Eileen Gray's Photography. An Architectural Journey through E.1027





l’Architecture Vivante, Photography, Storytelling, Domestic space, Gender, Women Architects


This text proposes an analysis of the photographical dossier that Eileen Gray prepared on E.1027, her best-known project. Far from assuming a simple compilation of unconnected images, the report was conceived from its origin as an architectural journey, made up of photographs carefully taken by the architect herself. In them, the space and the objects were part of a scenography designed to generate a visual tour of the portrayed scene. The aim of this article is to recover this dossier published in 1929 by the magazine l'Architecture Vivante, showing the personal vision that Eileen Gray developed of her own house. Likewise, the aim is to analyze Gray’s outstanding facets as an architect, a designer, and a photographer.


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Author Biographies

Beatriz S. González Jiménez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Beatriz S. González Jiménez has a PhD in architecture since 2017 from the ETSAM (UPM). She is Visiting Professor in the degrees in Fundamentals of Architecture and Integral Design and Image Management, and in the Master's Degree in Architecture of the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. Her line of research focuses on the architecture of the twentieth century and the construction of his imagery through photography. She was a member of the Research Project "Photography and Modern Architecture in Spain" (2012-2016), and of the scientific committee of the International Congress 'Inter photo arquitectura', held at the University of Navarra Museum in 2016. She is curator of photographic exhibitions linked to the communication of architecture and urban landscape. He was part of the research team of the exhibitions recognized in the FAD Awards 2017: 'Photography and Modern Architecture in Spain, 1925-1965' and 'Camera and Model. Photography of architectural models in Spain, 1925-1970' included in the international festival PhotoEspaña.

Alberto Ruiz Colmenar, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Alberto Ruiz Colmenar is an Architect since 2001 from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and Doctor of Architecture since 2018 from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. HE is Visiting Professor in the degrees of Fundamentals of Architecture and Integral Design and Management of the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. He is co-director of the Master's Degree in Architecture at the Rey Juan Carlos University. His main research concerns architecture criticism and non-specialized media, mainly newspapers, as a channel of dissemination. He has published articles in international journals and has participated in several international conferences on Spanish and Latin American architecture.


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How to Cite

González Jiménez, B. S., & Ruiz Colmenar, A. (2022). Eileen Gray’s Photography. An Architectural Journey through E.1027. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (18), 86–99. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.2022186170