Formal and informal Growth in Quito (1980-2010). A Morphological and Planning Perspective


  • Andrea Martínez Beltrán Universidad de Zaragoza



Quito, Urban morphology, duality, formal/informal, mixed fragments, planning


The dual structure identified in many Latin American cities is characterized by the dichotomy between the formal city and the informal settlement. It is conditioned by the mode of spatial occupation that can vary between the articulation of urban pieces in a planned territory, or the juxtaposition of spontaneous units, which generates a morphological antagonism between these two sectors. In the case of Quito, the analysis of these processes has been carried out so far mainly from a socio-spatial perspective, based on the segregation that manifests itself according to the informal condition of certain peripheral settlements. In this context, it is necessary to delve into the morphological dimension of the new urban landscapes, through a comparative study focused on the city as an integral unit, whose borders between the formal city and the emerging informal city have been transformed. From a morphological and urban perspective, the article focuses on the exploration and categorization of the relationship and contrasts between these two canonical forms of urban development, whose inverse processes and combined strategies from two opposing sectors have given rise to fragments of a ‘mixed’ city. In addition to exploring urban processes and their morphological characteristics, the text tries to analyze the role of planning in the origin and evolution of these fragments within the urban system.


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Author Biography

Andrea Martínez Beltrán, Universidad de Zaragoza

Andrea Martínez Beltrán (Ecuador, 1983) is an architect graduated from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE). In 2008 she attended the Master in Urban and Territorial Planning at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in Belgium, with a specialization in Heritage Restoration, qualifying in 2009. She held a visiting research position at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales and she also taught architectural design courses at the Universidad de las Américas. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Architecture at Universidad de Zaragoza, and her research focuses on Latin American cities' Urban Form.  


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How to Cite

Martínez Beltrán, A. (2023). Formal and informal Growth in Quito (1980-2010). A Morphological and Planning Perspective. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (19), 210–223.