Urban Planning 4.0: geolocated data from social networks for urban intervention





Urban planning, urban agendas, social media, urban intervention, location-based data


There are many different approaches emerging from urban research which recognize the great potential of social media data for describing, diagnosing, predicting, and prescribing decision-making processes in the field of urban planning and urban regeneration. Numerous methods and sources have been widely explored to enrich our knowledge of cities. However, only few and/or scarcely disseminated urban agendas, planning instruments, projects and interventions have explicitly been based on the findings obtained from the analysis of geolocated social media data. In this sense, this research explores the possibility of integrating this layer of information into urban diagnoses to inform the formulation of urban planning documents and agendas in the Spanish context. A selection of planning instruments and their classification in the context of these two different kinds of intervening in the city are discussed, suggesting the possible inclusion of data from specific social media platforms in the specific areas of these regulations. This paper illustrates the practical application of these data as a main source for the development of diagnoses and intervention proposals by examining the experience of three specific case studies.


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Author Biographies

Leticia Serrano-Estrada, University of Alicante

Associate professor at the Urban Design and Regional Planning Unit in the University of Alicante. Member of the Mappingame research laboratory. Her current research focuses on the study of urban phenomena based on the interpretation of location-based social media data, and with particular interest on topics such as, the spatial configuration and perception of urban public spaces.

Almudena Nolasco-Cirugeda, University of Alicante

Associate professor at the Urban Design and Regional Planning Unit in the University of Alicante, and member of the Mappingame research laboratory. Her research focuses on the study of the built environment and their urban dynamics through location-based social media data. Additionally, she has conducted research on urban growth and urban characterization of tourist areas in coastal Mediterranean cities.

Pablo Martí Ciriquián, University of Alicante

Full professor at the Urban Design and Regional Planning Unit in the University of Alicante, where he has been Head of the Bachelor degree in Architecture studies and Head of the Building Sciences and Urbanism department. Professionally, he has participated in the design of urban public spaces as well as has developed urban and regional planning projects. His recent research focuses on the study of urban dynamics and public space analysed through social media data.


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How to Cite

Serrano-Estrada, L., Nolasco-Cirugeda, A., & Martí Ciriquián, P. (2023). Urban Planning 4.0: geolocated data from social networks for urban intervention. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (19), 40–53. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.2022196903