Residential tissues in Guayaquil: urban indicators relating to compactness and functionality




Urban morphology, residential areas, sustainable urbanism, Guayaquil


The Pascuales and Norte Zones represent the most recent advance of Guayaquil's urban footprint on the northern border of the homonymous canton. There coexist various residential forms that are making the city, at their own pace and with their own logics. This article aims to present a comparative analysis of residential fabrics based on the qualification of their morphology and the use of indicators related to compactness and functionality, one of the basic objectives of sustainable urbanism. The residential tissues were initially classified by their origin, type of promotion and permeability. The analysis, through a homogeneous comparison system and the use of quantitative parameters associated with compactness and functionality, makes it possible to visualize the neighborhood-scale behavior of this Ecuadorian city and establish a methodological scheme that can be integrated into diagnoses for planning purposes. The results point to important shortcomings in these fundamental contexts of local life, regardless of their origins and the actors involved in their production: deficit of public spaces, inadequate densities and insufficient mix of uses and urban functions.


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Author Biographies

Teresa Pérez de Murzi, Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil

She is an architect from Universidad Los Andes (Venezuela) and has a PhD in Methodology and Research Techniques in the Analysis of Architecture from Universidad de Valladolid (Spain). She is a professor of architecture at Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil (UCSG), Ecuador. She has directed various research projects; among the most recent (2014-2021) are: Evaluation of the dynamics of land occupation in the North and Pascuales Zones of Guayaquil; Study of the urban morphology and the dynamics of land occupation in the Chongón parish, Analysis of the growth model of the city of Guayaquil towards the west, and System of sustainable urban development indicators for the city of Guayaquil and its area of influence. She has various publications including books, book chapters, scientific articles and extensive papers in international conference proceedings.

Gaudy Orejuela, Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil

She is an architect from Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil (UCSG) (Ecuador), and has a master's degree in Sustainable Urban Planning and Design from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) (Sweden). She has been part of various research projects linked to the Institute for Research and Innovation in Habitat, Design and Construction (IHADIC) of UCSG (2013-2019). As a research assistant and adjunct researcher, she participated in projects where she developed and implemented methodologies associated with GIS Geographic Information Systems for the analysis of problems related to different territories. She currently works as an independent consultant in Stockholm.


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2023-02-11 — Updated on 2023-02-22


How to Cite

Pérez de Murzi, T. ., & Orejuela, G. (2023). Residential tissues in Guayaquil: urban indicators relating to compactness and functionality. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (19), 124–139. (Original work published February 11, 2023)