An approach to the captive driver in the context of the 15-minute city. The case of Astigarraga


  • Ander Gortazar-Balerdi Universidad del País Vasco
  • Jacek Markusiewicz RAZ. Digital Tools for Urban Innovation



mobility, data visualization, interfaces, captive driver, sustainability


One of the greatest challenges of the contemporary city in the context of energy transformation is that of sustainable mobility, an issue marked by the dichotomy between the city centre and its periphery, among others. This article exposes the case study of a project the authors carried out in their professional practice in RAZ: an analysis of wage labour-related commuting in the municipality of Astigarraga, Gipuzkoa, conducted as part of the municipality's sustainable urban mobility plan. The case study shows the inherent difficulties of contemporary metropolitan mobility dynamics, and helps to draw the profile of the captive driver of the private car. We carried out the analysis using methodologies based on data analysis, visualization or simulation, which illustrate the opportunities that this type of methodologies offers, also in the field of sustainable mobility.


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Author Biographies

Ander Gortazar-Balerdi, Universidad del País Vasco

Ander Gortazar-Balerdi is an architect graduated from the University of the Basque Country and the Master in Advanced Architecture at IaaC Barcelona. He is specialised in urban, territorial and mobility planning, with special emphasis on digital tools. He worked on international projects combining parametric approach and urban scale in Barcelona and Warsaw, and as an independent consultant. He teaches Urban Planning in the School of Architecture at the University of the Basque Country, while pursuing a PhD in urban mobility at the urban planning department of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He founded RAZ in 2018, along with Jacek Markusiewicz.

Jacek Markusiewicz, RAZ. Digital Tools for Urban Innovation

Jacek Markusiewicz is an architect graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology and the Master in Advanced Architecture at IaaC Barcelona. He specialises in the fields of parametric architecture, programming, machine learning and responsive design. He worked on international projects combining parametric approach and urban scale in Barcelona, and as a research and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Architecture in Warsaw. He remains in close relation to academia, giving classes at IaaC and at the Warsaw University of Technology, where he is pursuing his PhD in the department of computer aided design. He founded RAZ in 2018, along with Ander Gortazar.


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How to Cite

Gortazar-Balerdi, A., & Markusiewicz, J. (2023). An approach to the captive driver in the context of the 15-minute city. The case of Astigarraga. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (19), 102–113.