Reading about the Athens Charter
CIAM, Carta d’Atene, funzione, forma urbana, spazio aperto, modelli insediativiAbstract
Does it exist a legacy of the Modern Movement which can help in the comprehension of the changes in the urban forms? This question lays behind the idea to undertake a fresh reading of the Athens Charter, free from the many interpretations given during last decades, often influenced by the failure of the mass housing experiences during the Fifties and the Sixties. The model of the modern functional city was discussed and designed at the IV CIAM Congress, on the ship Patris II, by the delegations of fifteen countries (the Geek one joined once in Athens), but the well known outcome, the text Urbanisme des CIAM, La Chartes d’Athenes, published by Plon in Paris in 1943 and authored by Le Corbusier, was not the unanimous conclusion of the Meeting as it claims to be. This paper operates a not conventional reading of the fourth International Congress of Modern Architecture, through both original writings and critical texts. It focus on the different urban visions of the delegations and on the influence that neo positivism had on the determinist approach to the city form, which finally prevailed. Finally, some consideration about the empty space as an urban element, both in the modernist theory and in the contemporary models, are conveyed.
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