The legacy of modern collective housing
The study of main examples of modern collective housing is generally made when these units are designed, built and actually opened, but very little has been studied and written about concerning the evolution of each of these buildings in order to find out what the legacy of modern housing really consists of. Housing is to be lived in, and the key lies in its capacity for evolution and transformation.
AA. VV., Journal nº 51, “Modern Housing Patrimonio Vivo”, 2014.
BOUDON, Philippe, Le Corbusier à Pessac, Orléans, Imprimerie Nouvelle, 1969.
CASTRO, Roland; DENISSOF, Sophie, (Re) Modeler. Métamorphoser, Paris, Éditions Le Moniteur, 2005.
DRUOT, Frédéric; LACATON, Anne; VASSAL, Jean-Philippe, Plus. La Vivienda Colectiva. Territorio de Excepción/Les grandes ensembles de logements. Territoire d’Exception/Large-Scale housing developments. An exceptional case, Barcelona, Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2007.
JENCKS, Charles, El lenguaje de la arquitectura posmoderna, Barcelona, Editorial Gustavo Gili, 1984.
MELON GUNTÍN, Aránzazu, Alison + Peter Smithson, Robin Hood Gardens, Barcelona, Tesina de Máster del Laboratorio de la Vivienda del siglo XXI, 2011.
MONTANER, Josep Maria, “La fragilidad de la arquitectura moderna: paradojas tecnológicas, funcionales y simbólicas en su rehabilitación” en La modernidad superada. Ensayos sobre arquitectura contemporánea, Barcelona, Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2011.
MONTANER, Josep Maria, La arquitectura de la vivienda colectiva. Políticas y proyectos en la ciudad contemporánea, Editorial Reverté, Barcelona, 2015.
POWERS, Alan, “Robin Hood Gardens: A Critical Narrative” en Max Risselada (Ed.), Alison and Peter Smithson. A Critical Anthology, Barcelona, Ediciones Polígrafa, 2011.
RASMUSSEN, Steen Eiler, La experiencia de la arquitectura, Barcelona, Editorial Reverté, 2004.