Architecture and Empathy. Charles W. Moore (1925-1993)


  • Raúl Martínez Martínez Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya



Empathy, Carhles W. Moore, Place, Body Image, Space, Architectural Experience


This article shows how the aesthetic and philosophical concept of Empathy (Einfühlung), aided by the psychology, was incorporated into the field of architectural theory; first, in the German-speaking context with Theodor Lipps at the end of the nineteenth century, and then, in the Anglo-American context with key personalities such as Bernard Berenson and, his pupil, Geoffrey Scott. It will expose the enormous influence that Scott exerted in the early fifties and sixties in the United States with his masterwork, The Architecture of Humanism. A Study in the History of Taste (1914). To illustrate this, the article will examine the case study of the American architect Charles W. Moore (1925-1993). It will focus on one of his most influential works, the Sea Ranch (1963-65) condominium, to exemplify the empathetic and corporeal attitude that he defended as a professor and architect. It will do so through four categories that became design elements for many of his houses in the sixties: Place, Body Image, Intermediate Spaces, and the Architectural Experience.


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Author Biography

Raúl Martínez Martínez, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Raúl Martínez Martínez (1980). Arquitecto por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sant Cugat del Vallés en 2006. Doctor arquitecto por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH en 2014. Su tesis doctoral titulada Espacio y empatía en I Tatti. El utillaje conceptual de la crítica de la arquitectura después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, persigue el itinerario angloamericano que siguieron los conceptos de espacio y empatía desde 1893 hasta 1930 y su posterior resurgimiento a partir del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en la figura de historiadores, críticos y arquitectos como Bruno Zevi, Colin Rowe, Vincent Scully, Philip Johnson y Charles W. Moore. En la actualidad es Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Composición Arquitectónica de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH.


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MOORE, Charles; BLOOMER C., Kent; YUDELL, Robert J. Body, Memory and Architecture. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1977

SCOTT, Geoffrey. The Architecture of Humanism. A Study in the History of Taste. London, Constable, 1924

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How to Cite

Martínez Martínez, R. (2014). Architecture and Empathy. Charles W. Moore (1925-1993). ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (2), 146–157.



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