Other anticipated architectures. A journey through the subsoil, soil and sky of New York


  • María Fernanda Carrascal Pérez Universidad de Sevilla




Art, architecture, alternative spaces, site interventions, New York


In the seventies, art called alternative or marginal was identified by an intensely urban stage. In New York, as an artistic epicenter, new places for creation were tested: urban investigations that delved into the different strata of the city. This spacial interpretation of the artists in this period concluded in projects in which new considerations of time and memory converged. The brief or continuous duration of these interventions was a strategy of action that allowed an instantaneous relationship with its immediate environment. Futhermore, this approach to daily life lead to the transformation of obsolete urban entities through criticism and symbolic production. In parallel to these new spaces for creative expression, their artists took on a responsibility in building a new way of conceptualizing the city of New York. This article is an overview of the history of some of these investigations and urban searches that, as immaterial and anticipated architectures, revealed another equation for the rehabilitation of the future city. For this purpose, a vertical mapping has been used, where the subsoil, soil and sky are the strata from which these projects of site reinvention are explained.


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Author Biography

María Fernanda Carrascal Pérez, Universidad de Sevilla

María Fernanda Carrascal Pérez es arquitecta y máster en Ciudad y Arquitectura Sostenibles por la Universidad de Sevilla. Realiza su tesis doctoral en el Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónica sobre la relación entre espacio urbano y arte en la década de los setenta en Nueva York. Pertenece al Grupo del Plan Andaluz de Investigación HUM666: Ciudad, Arquitectura y Patrimonio Contemporáneos, desarrollando la línea de investigación en Obsolescencia Urbana como parte de Laboratorio Q de Lugares de Creatividad Urbana, laboratorioq.com. Con una beca de investigación predoctoral PIF, imparte Proyecto Fin de Carrera y Taller de Arquitectura. Ha sido profesora interina del Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos y profesora invitada en la Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona y la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Actualmente, realiza una estancia de investigación en la Universidad de Columbia, GSAPP Historic Preservation, y en la Universidad de St. Johns, Fine Arts, en Nueva York. Ha trabajado en producción escenográfica y comisariado exposiciones al respecto, escenoygrafias.com.


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How to Cite

Carrascal Pérez, M. F. (2013). Other anticipated architectures. A journey through the subsoil, soil and sky of New York. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (1), 270–283. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.201319390



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