Atmospheres of Dwelling. Phenomenologies of “Being-at-Home”




Dwelling, Heidegger, Bachelard, Deleuze, Sloterdijk, Schmitz


First introduced by Martin Heidegger in his later philosophical work, over the decades the concept of dwelling has acquired a fundamental importance in architectural theory. Its “classic” status, however, along with its centrality in post-modern architecture, has largely prevented the unfolding of an open discussion on the present-day validity of this notion. Similarly, the work of another cult author such as Gaston Bachelard, whose book The Poetics of Space is equally revered as a classic, appears to be uncritically espoused outside of a proper contextualization. While dwelling does represent a fundamental driver of human presence in the world, these two primary accounts and their implications in design should be discussed against other complementary or antagonistic models, such as those proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, Sloterdijk and Schmitz. Each of these authors defines his position vis-à-vis Heidegger’s original proposal, while opening to different repercussions on the practices of design.


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Author Biography

Federico De Matteis, Università degli Studi dell'Aquila

Federico De Matteis is an architect and full Professor of Architectural Design at the University of L’Aquila, Italy. His research work focuses on the affective dimension of space and the corporeal resonance between the experiencing subject and architecture, and on the possible tools to express this relationship. His recent books are Affective Spaces. Architecture and the Living Body (Routledge 2020), I sintomi dello spazio. Corpo architettura città (Mimesis 2021); The Affective City: 1. Spaces, Atmospheres and Practices in Changing Urban Territories and 2. Abitare il terremoto (edited with S. Catucci, LetteraVentidue 2021 and 2022).


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How to Cite

De Matteis, F. (2023). Atmospheres of Dwelling. Phenomenologies of “Being-at-Home”. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (21), 34–43.



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