Integrate without confining. UNHCR's thorny challenge to humanitarian and architecture aid




UNHCR, Refugees, Refugee camps, Camp alternative policy, Urban integration, Humanitarian architecture


Since its founding in 1950, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has led the international policy of hosting refugees and displaced persons, using refugee camps as the main physical protection strategy. Although this option has solved and does solve reception emergencies, it tends to become entrenched over time and fails to provide feasible alternatives for subsistence and political autonomy, which has led those hosted to live in dependence on humanitarian aid, undocumented status, and hopelessness, contrary to expectations. In response, in 2014 UNHCR adopted the Camp Alternative Policy, which focuses on permanently hosting refugees in consolidated settlements to improve their inclusion and quality of life. Beyond the meager results obtained so far with this new policy, a critical reflection is presented on the social and spatial implications of an approach to the catch that questions how aid and humanitarian architecture have been understood, generating unprecedented challenges in design and management. Despite its implementation difficulties, this shift in strategy makes several timely proposals which, in our professional and academic understanding, are not being given the attention they deserve.


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Author Biographies

Paz Núñez Martí, Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad de Alcalá

Madrid, 1971. Doctor of Architecture (UPM), Technical Specialist in Development Cooperation at the Institute for Cooperation in Basic Habitability (UPM) and in Heritage Recovery and Rehabilitation (UPM). Associate Professor (2002-present) of Architectural Construction at the School of Architecture, University of Alcalá, UAH. Coordinator of the Habitat and Territory Area of the Research Group Applied to Development Cooperation COOPUAH (UAH). During the 2015-2019 legislature of Madrid City Council, she held the position of Technical Advisor to the Commissioner for the Informal Settlement of Cañada Real (Madrid). She combines her work as an expert in intervention in the unplanned city through research, teaching, and professional activity with political and social activism in favor of the fulfillment of human rights, especially the right to housing and the right to the city.

Isabel Bravo Barahona, Universidad de Alcalá

Madrid, 1966. PhD. Architect by the University of Alcalá (2021), architect by the ETSAM (UPM, 1995) and Diploma in Advanced Studies in Publishing by Oxford Brookes University (2000). Her PhD dissertation, cum laude, directed by Dr. Architect Roberto Goycoolea, focused on the urban integration of refugees and received the Jaime Brunet Prize awarded by the Public University of Navarra for the best dissertation in defense of human rights in its 2021 edition. She has worked in architecture and urban planning practices, although her activity has centered on specialized architecture criticism (Tectónica, Arquitectura Viva, Diseño Interior, Arquitectura y Diseño, DBZ), the diffusion of cultural issues and editorial work. She is currently editor of specialized contents in architecture at the international consulting firm AECOM.


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How to Cite

Núñez Martí, P., & Bravo Barahona, I. (2024). Integrate without confining. UNHCR’s thorny challenge to humanitarian and architecture aid. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (22), 120–131.