A Bridge and a Large Port, Two Unpublished Projects for the Bay of Cádiz


  • Raimundo Bambó Naya Universidad de Zaragoza (España)
  • Ricardo Sánchez Lampreave Universidad de Zaragoza (España)



Palabras clave:

Eduardo Torroja, Bay of Cádiz, bridge, port


Bay of Cádiz, a natural harbor of highly unique geographic profiles as is the rest of a wide estuary where the ancient Phoenician city settled, has been the scene of some of the most important episodes in the modern history of Spain. Its water level, an inner sea of changing profiles with marshes and salt lakes, has always been a strategic location relative to historical sea routes between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, between Europe and America.

Following his studies in Civil Engineering, in 1923 Eduardo Torroja began working at the Hydraulic and Civil Construction Company Hidrocivil of his teacher Eugenio Ribera. In 1927 he decided to start his own company, having started his relationship with Cádiz in 1926 calculating the foundation piles of Sancti Petri Bridge.

Between 1927 and 1929, responding to two separate commissions from the mayor Ramón de Carranza, Torroja presented to the City of Cádiz the projects of a bridge that would link Puerto Real and Cádiz, thus avoiding having to go around the whole bay to access the city, and a large port that would sprawl over that bay, transforming it into a large area of port activities. None of them ended up being built, but they were the direct antecedents of the existing bridge and the current free zone that complements the current port.


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Biografía del autor/a

Raimundo Bambó Naya, Universidad de Zaragoza (España)

Raimundo Bambó Naya received his degree in Architecture (2000) from the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra. He has complemented these studies with courses and seminars at the University of Navarra, the London Architectural Association or the Architecture School of the Universitá degli Studi di Palermo. Among other awards and honors, he has received the Second Prize in Architecture Studies (Spanish Ministry of Education, 2001) or the Extraordinary End of Studies Award (ETSAUN, 2001). From 2009 to 2015 he has been Adjunct Professor of History and Theory of Architecture at the University of Zaragoza and since 2015 he is Adjunct Professor of Urban Design and Planning at the same university. Between 2000 and 2013 he has carried out his professional practice at IDOM ACXT as a Partner Senior Architect of the firm. Amongst his works, the most relevant are the Lineal Urban Park on the Ebro riverside in Zaragoza, the Participants’ Pavilions Building and General Urbanization for the Zaragoza Expo 200, the Vehicle Research Institute in Alcañiz (Teruel), the refurbishment of the West Tower in Huesca City Hall or the Certest I+D laboratories in San Mateo de Gállego (Zaragoza). His work as an architect has been awarded and published numerous times.

Ricardo Sánchez Lampreave, Universidad de Zaragoza (España)

Ricardo Sánchez Lampreave. Architect from the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid (ETSAM) in 1983. Ph.D. Architect from the same university (2007) having developed a dissertation focused on the architecture of Madrid in the 50´s. He has been professor of History of Graphic Design in the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (Facultad de Bellas Artes, 1987-1989) and of Architectural Design in the Schools of Architecture of Madrid, Alcalá de Henares and the Facoltà di Architettura di Alghero in the Università di Sassari (Sardinia). In 1990-1991 he received a fellowship to study at the Spanish Academy in Rome, and the year after a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes to develop his doctoral research. He has been the director of the Fundación Miguel Fisac since its creation (2007-2009). He has been curator of different exhibitions (El suelo en renuncio, lápices ratones brújulas, Círculos imperfectos, Las otras Grandes Vías), and editor of several magazines such as BAU, Transfer y Formas, serving also in several Editorial Boards. He publishes regularly writings and projects in specialised media. Some of his projects have been awarded in national and international competitions, and some of his works distinctions and awards from Madrid´s Comunidad, Ayuntamiento and Colegio de Arquitectos. He publishes the collection of books on the Premios Nacionales de Arquitectura of the Spanish Ministerio de Fomento, as well as several books of Architecture, Theory and Criticism with his own publishing house.


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Cómo citar

Bambó Naya, R., & Sánchez Lampreave, R. (2015). A Bridge and a Large Port, Two Unpublished Projects for the Bay of Cádiz. ZARCH, (5), 230–241. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.201559121