Urban bricolage. Trends in the transformation of modern housing estates


  • Fabio Lepratto Politecnico di Milano (Italia)




Regeneration, transformation, DIY, neighborhood


The transformation of Modern residential neighbourhoods seems to be increasingly present in the activity of the designers involved in the regeneration process of the contemporary city. The comparison between the original settlement forms and the ones visible at the end of the transformation process shows how the change of urban spaces has influenced the inhabitants’ life quality aiming to “correct” the original projects, considered being no longer suitable. The manipulation of the existing city, as a bricolage work, deals with fragments, recomposed urban parts through assembly techniques looking for a new urban balance characterized by a different morphological, typological and functional layout. Through the comparison among ongoing or completed projects it is therefore possible to identify European trends in the adaptation of Modern living to the new contemporary needs.


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Author Biography

Fabio Lepratto, Politecnico di Milano (Italia)

Architect, he obtained a Master’s Degree in Architecture from Politecnico di Milano in 2009. From 2006 to 2007 he attended an exchange program at Delft University of Technology. He is a PhD candidate in Architecture, Urban Design and Conservation of Housing and Landscape (AUC) at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) of the Politecnico of Milano and tutors various design courses at the same university. PhD candidate, Architecture, Urban design, Conservation of Housing and Landscape (DAStU, Politecnico di Milano).


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How to Cite

Lepratto, F. (2015). Urban bricolage. Trends in the transformation of modern housing estates. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (5), 158–173. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.201559111