Where desire may live or how to love mass housing: from cold war to the revolution


  • Ana Tostões Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa (Portugal)




The historiography of Modernity in architecture has seen quite a few additions in the last couple of decades. One is able to identify two main lines shifting this revision. First of all, the French philosopher Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) recently called for a new inventive faculty of ‘architectural difference’. Following the philosophical tradition to use the architectural model he recalled Descartes’s (1596- 1650) metaphor of the founding of a town and came to the point that “this foundation is in fact what is supposed to support the building, the architectonic construction, the town at the base”. The contri- bution of Derrida was, in fact, very important for questioning Modernity and Architecture as he had enlightened the importance of the ‘place’ considering that “each architectural place, each habitation has one precondition: that the building should be located on a path, at a crossroads at which arrival and departure are both possible”. In other words he pointed out that “the question of architecture is in fact that of the place, of the taking of place in space.” Finally Derrida considers that there may be an un- discovered way of thinking belonging to the architectural moment, to desire, to creation. Architecture must produce “places where desire can recognize itself, where it can live”.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ana Tostões, Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa (Portugal)

Ana Tostões PhD is architect, architectural critic and historian. Chair of DOCOMOMO International and DOCOMOMO Journal Editor (www.docomomo.com). She is Full Professor at Istituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon University, where she is in charge of the architectural PhD program and of the architectural history and theory disciplines. She has been invited professor at FAUP, EPFL, ETHZ, UTSOA, RSA, ETSAB, ETSAUN. She has a degree in Architecture (ESBAL, 1982), a master’s degree in History of Contemporary Art (UNL, 1994; Os Verdes Anos na Arquitectura Portuguesa dos Anos 50 , FAUP Edições, 1997) and a PhD (IST-UL, 2003) on culture and technology in Modern Architecture (Idade Maior, FAUP Edições, 2015). Her research field is the theory and history of architecture and construction of the twentieth century, focusing on the worldwide cultural transfers. On these topics she has published books and scientific articles, curated 9 exhibitions, taken part in juries, scientific committees, given lectures in European, American, Asian and African universities and acted as peer referee of Scientific Journals. She coordinated the research “Exchanging World Visions” focused on the Sub-Sahara African architecture (1943-1975). Tostões has been vice-president of the Portuguese Order of Architects and the Portuguese section of the International Association of Art Critics. In 2006, she was awarded the title of Commander of the Order of Infante Dom Henrique.




Cómo citar

Tostões, A. (2015). Where desire may live or how to love mass housing: from cold war to the revolution. ZARCH, (5), 10–23. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.201559114



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