Morphology and Landscape Ecology in Agro-urban Peripheries: the orchards of Campanar and Rovella in Valencia
urban morphology, landscape ecology, agro-urban peripheries, Valencia Orchard, territorial mosaic cityAbstract
The peri-urban spaces of Spanish cities have undergone substantial transformations in recent decades with respect to their initial natural or agrarian configuration. These spaces have a strategic location as transition zones between the city and the surrounding territory, so it is necessary to develop specific concepts and tools for their analysis and diagnosis, allowing to characterized them and identify their transformation patterns. In this article, some considerations are first made that lead us to propose the term "agro-urban peripheries" as the most appropriate to designate peri-urban spaces linked to agricultural uses. Next, we will explore some tools and concepts associated with landscape ecology, a discipline that relates the morphological parameters that define the physical structure of the landscape with its functioning and transformation as an ecosystem. Finally, we will verify the applicability of these tools and concepts to the analysis of the transformation processes of the Campanar and Rovella orchards in Valencia.
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Funding data
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2020-116893RB-I00