Built Images: On the Visual Aestheticization of Today’s Architecture


  • Philipp Schaerer École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Suiza)




Image and Architecture, Design, Visual Aesthetication, Visual Impact, Digital Image Processing, Reality and Fiction


Architecture and image have forever shared an intimate connection. A phase of imagination has always preceded the production of architecture, be it as drawings, diagrams, plans or perspectives, abstract or not. Architecture has always been thought in terms of, and communicated by means of, pictures. Nowadays, however, we increasingly encounter architecture that —consciously or unconsciously— seems to be preoccupied with its visual impact; an architecture moving ineluctably towards the mere production of enticing images, foregrounding its visual aestheticization. Today’s trend in architecture of using images both as tools for development and for communication might be traced back to the interplay of various changed contextual factors. This essay aims to highlight certain factors seemingly favouring the visual aestheticization of today’s architecture.


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Author Biography

Philipp Schaerer, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Suiza)

Philipp Schaerer is a visual artist and architect. After graduating from the EPFL in 2000, he worked from 2000-06 as an architect and knowledge manager for Herzog & de Meuron. Until 2008, he was responsible for the Postgraduate Studies in CAAD at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt at the ETHZ. Since 2008, he has been a lecturer at several universities and, from 2014, a visiting professor at the EPFL. His work has been widely published and exhibited and is represented in several public and private collections —among others in the collection of the MoMA; the ZKM Center for Art and Media Technology; the Canadian Center for Architecture; and the Fotomuseum Winterthur. www.philippschaerer.ch / www.constructingtheview.org


Philipp Schaerer es artista visual y arquitecto. Después de graduarse en la EPFL en 2000, trabajó de 2000 a 2006 como arquitecto y gestor de conocimientos para Herzog & de Meuron. Hasta 2008, fue responsable de los Estudios de Posgrado en CAAD en la Cátedra del Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt en la ETHZ. Desde 2008, ha sido profesor en varias universidades y, a partir de 2014, profesor visitante en la EPFL. Su trabajo ha sido ampliamente publicado y exhibido y está representado en varias colecciones públicas y privadas —entre otras en la colección del MoMA; el ZKM Center for Art and Media Technology; el Centro Canadiense de Arquitectura; y el Fotomuseum Winterthur. www.philippschaerer.ch / www.constructingtheview.org



How to Cite

Schaerer, P. (2017). Built Images: On the Visual Aestheticization of Today’s Architecture. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (9), 48–59. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.201792267