L. MOHOLY-NAGY - Vision in Motion


  • Antonio Juárez Chicote Universidad Politécnica de Madrid




László Moholy-Nagy
Vision in Motion
Chicago: Paul Theobald & Co, 1947. 371 pages. Hardback. Language: English. 45 €.
ISBN-10: 9780911498004; ISBN-13: 978-0911498004


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Author Biography

Antonio Juárez Chicote, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Antonio Juárez Chicote is an Architect (Madrid School of Architecture, Polytechnical University of Madrid) since 1992. Fulbright Scholar at Columbia and Pennsylvania taking classes at the AAD Master at Columbia University, as part of his predoctoral research. He obtained his Ph. D. in Madrid at the ETSAM in 1998, the same year when he began to teach at the Design Department of the School (DPA). Associate Professor at the ETSAM, he has been visiting professor in Columbia University, Puerto Rico, West Sydney, Oporto, BUAP (Mexico), UIC (Barcelona), and most of the universities in Spain. He has published El universo imaginario de Louis I. Kahn (2006), Exploring Matter: Degree Zero in Architectural Design (2010), and Chalk Laboratory. 'Open' Form and Experimental Pedagogy (2016). He has received the Certificate of Recognition by the American Institute of Architects. a.juarez@upm.es



How to Cite

Juárez Chicote, A. (2019). L. MOHOLY-NAGY - Vision in Motion. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (12), 226. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.2019123581