A conceptual and historical synthesis of the "elusive" exurban periphery
Exurbia, paradigms, Exurban fringe, Rural-urban fringe, ParadigmsAbstract
The effort to map the boundaries of urban peripheries requires, first and foremost, a discussion of a conceptual framework. By means of a historical-comparative approach, this text aims to offer a more accurate definition of Exurbia, a particularly complex and polyhedral city border. Complex, since its mapping should reflect both a hybridization in the uses of urban and rural land, and a wide range of building typologies. Polyhedral, because a proper social and economic characterization of the city's exurban fringes proves difficult to delimit by either simple statistical or census criteria. Hence, the second transversal objective of the article is to summarize the main contributions of scholar literature, since the early 20th century, which tried to explain this diversity and multidimensionality of Exurbia.
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