Through the mask. The space between nature and architecture in Egon Eiermann’s house


  • Carmen Martínez Arroyo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Rodrigo Pemjean Muñoz Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • María Dolores Sánchez Moya Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha



Egon Eiermann, House in Baden-Baden, nature, mask, enclosure construction, Lightness


This article studies the threshold space that the German architect Egon Eiermann designed for his own house in Baden-Baden, that he built between 1959 and 1962. The research is developed from the original documentation of the time, the photographs and data taken in situ, the redrawn plans and an exhaustive bibliography. The text is divided into four sections: the first describes the project and talks about the conformation of the intermediate space as part of a serial work in Eiermann's architecture; in the second section, the influence of the traditional Japanese house is studied -with special attention to its engawa- and it is reflected on the relationship of the house with the garden and on the degrees of intimacy of the proposal; the third talks about the response that the house envelope offers to climatic problems; finally, in the fourth section, the components of this technological mask are analyzed one by one. Everything, described here, serves to explain the value that this threshold gives to the project, its ability to transform the space and the change of character caused in the building thanks to the lightness of this enriching perimeter element.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Martínez Arroyo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Madrid, 1966. She holds an architectural degree (1993) and PhD (2004) from ETSAM, UPM. Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Award 2003-2004. Prize at the IV Spanish Architecture Biennial with the Madarcos Town Hall (1997). Professor of Architectural Design at the ETSAM since 2008. Visiting professor at the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Querétaro, Mexico 2013. Visiting Professor at the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, Pamplona (2015-2016). Visiting Professor at the Politecnico di Milano (2016-2017 and 2017-2018). Nine doctoral theses supervised at Polythecnical University of Madrid. Published papers: Arquitectura Viva 150 (2013); DPA Magazine 31 (2015); Cuadernos de Proyectos Arquitectónicos 5 (2015); ZARCH 9 (2017); RITA Magazine 11 (2018). Award-winning paper at the XI Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (2019).

Rodrigo Pemjean Muñoz, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Santiago de Chile, 1967. He holds an architectural degree (1993), with extraordinary prize upon graduation, and PhD (2005) from ETSAM. Extraordinary Doctoral Thesis Award 2004-2005. Prize at the IV Spanish Architecure Biennial with the Madarcos Town Hall (1997). Professor of Architectural design at the ETSAM since 2008.  Visiting Professor at the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Querétaro, Mexico 2013. Visiting Professor at the Politecnico di Milano (2016-2017 and 2017-2018). Twelve doctoral theses supervised at Polythecnical University of Madrid. Published papers: Arquitectura Viva 150 (2013); DPA Magazine 31 (2015); Cuadernos de Proyectos Arquitectónicos 5 (2015); ZARCH 9 (2017); RITA Magazine 11 (2018). Award-winning paper at the XI Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (2019).

María Dolores Sánchez Moya, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1977. She holds an architectural degree (2003) and PhD (2012) from ETSAM. Mention in the XII Iberian call of the biennial competition of Architecture Thesis Arquia. Lecturer of Architectural Design and Landscape  since 2010 at the Toledo School of Architecture (University of Castilla-La Mancha). Assistant director of Toledo School of Architecture since 2013. Selected work in several European Biennials of Landscape, Prize at the XV Spanish Architecture Biennial with “River-City Park in the Vega Baja of Toledo”. Guest lecturer at several architecture schools: ETSAM (2018), Naples (2018), Münster (2015 and 2014), Fachhochschule Kärnten (2013), and Politecnico di Milano (2012). He has published papers in RITA, no. 1 (2013) and no. 4 (2015); Sociedad y Utopía, no. 43 (2014) and no. 47 (2015), REIA no. 7 and 17 (2017, 2020), Constelaciones no. 2 (2014), Zarch (2018), EGA (2021).


Alexander, Christopher. 1980. Un lenguaje de patrones. Ciudades. Edificios. Construcciones. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili.

Costa, Isabelle da. 1986. “Siempre se cometen errores”, Quaderns d´Arquitectura i Urbanisme 171: 41.

Eiermann, Brigitte. 1963. Egon Eiermann: Haus und Nebenhaus in Baden-Baden. Architektur und Wohnform 71, n. 7: 291.

___. 2001 “Wohnhaus Eiermann. Baden-Baden, Krippenhof”, Eiermann Gesellschaft, (consultada el 15 de mayo de 2021).

Kieser, Clemens. 2004. “Eiermann Private Residence. Baden-Baden, 1959-62”, en Egon Eiermann 1904-1970. Architect and Designer, ed. Jaeggi, Annemarie, 194-7. Ostfildern-Ruilt: Hatje Cantz.

Maupassant, Guy de, 1987. “La máscara”, en Mi tío Jules y otros seres marginales, 166-75. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

Smithson, Alison (ed.). 1962. Team 10 Primer 1953-1962. Architectural Design 12 (diciembre, número especial): 559-600.

Takei, Jiro y Keane, Marc. 2001. Sakuteiki. Visions of the Japanese Garden (A Modern Translation of Japan’s Gardening Classic). Tokyo: Tuttle Publishing.

Yoshida, Tetsuro. 1935. Das Japanische Wohnhaus. Berlín: Verlag Ernst Wasmuth.



How to Cite

Martínez Arroyo, C., Pemjean Muñoz, R., & Sánchez Moya, M. D. (2022). Through the mask. The space between nature and architecture in Egon Eiermann’s house. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (17), 70–81.



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