Bonding with the location: house, time and nature. Conversation with Alberto Campo Baeza


  • Javier Pérez Herreras Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Jorge Torres Cueco Universitat Politècnica de València



nature, house, time, inhabit, Alberto Campo Baeza


We suggest creating a journey—both geographical and historical—put together using five of houses of Alberto Campo Baeza.  The story begins in Cadiz, with the Gaspar and Guerrero houses, enters the Sierra de Madrid mountain range, in the Blas house, then crosses the Atlantic to reach the Olnick Spanu house in New York and, from there, arrives at the coast of Cadiz in the House of the Infinite. Using these five houses, we propose a dialogue that is woven around three key points: nature, the man that moves to this nature and the time when it becomes habitation.  

The result of this journey will be an architecture that returns to origins and not simple originality.  Architecture with the vocation to endure over time, that time which T. S Eliot sings in his Four Quartets: “Time present and time past/ Are both perhaps present in time future/ And time future contained in time past/ If all time is eternally present/ All time is unredeemable”.


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Author Biographies

Javier Pérez Herreras, Universidad de Zaragoza

Javier Pérez Herreras (1967) holds a masters´ and a PhD degree in architecture from the University of Navarra. He is founding partner with Javier Quintana of Taller Básico de Arquitectura, a research and professional laboratory for architectural design spanning between Pamplona and London. Perez Herreras’ practice is based on an insistent research on the new concepts of inhabitation and their structural, design and visual anatomies. His professional work has been awarded by the Chicago Athenaeum, the Architects' Journal, the German Design Council, Arquitectura Española, BEAU and the FAD foundation. He has been exhibited at the RIBA in London, the AIA in Washington, the Italian Institute in Tokyo and Nuevos Ministerios in Madrid. Perez Herreras represented Spain at the 8th Venice Architecture Biennale. He is the author of books such as Cajas de aire and Ideo-Lógica. He was the founding Vice-Chancellor of the Universidad San Jorge, lecturer at the Universidad Pública de Navarra and visiting professor at the master’s in Architectural Management and Design of the IE University in London. Pérez Herreras is currently Professor of Architectural Design at the University of Zaragoza.

Jorge Torres Cueco, Universitat Politècnica de València

Jorge Torres Cueco (1963) is Professor of Architectural Projects in the Universitat Politècnica de València, where he has taught several doctoral courses on Modernity, Contemporary Architecture and, in particular, on Le Corbusier.. He is co-director of Proyecto Arquitectura_Architectural Research Group. He has written a large number of journal articles and book chapters in the architectural area. He has written or edited books such as Grup R (1994), Le Corbusier. Visiones de la técnica en cinco tiempos (2004), Casa por casa. Reflexiones sobre el habitar (curator, 2009). Le Corbusier. Mise au point (2012), Pensar la Arquitectura. Mise au point de Le Corbusier (2014), Le Corbusier. Paris n’est pas Moscou. (2015), Bauhaus. El mito de la modernidad (2017), Le Corbusier. La recherche patiente (2017) and Una exposición, un pabellón y un libro: Le Corbusier, 1937-1938 (2020). He has directed 24 doctoral theses. He has been exhibition curator of Estudio Albini (1987 and 1988), Luis Gutiérrez Soto (1999) Grup R. Una revisió de la modernitat. 1951-61 (1997) and Le Corbusier Paris n’est pas Moscou (2015-16 and 2019-20). He is co-Director of the review LC. Recherches sur Le Corbusier, since 2020 (UPV –Fondation le Corbusier). As an architect he has received different awards for his works and architectural competitions.



How to Cite

Pérez Herreras, J., & Torres Cueco, J. (2022). Bonding with the location: house, time and nature. Conversation with Alberto Campo Baeza. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (17), 246–271.


