Milieu, spirit, flesh and fusion in Le Corbusier’s life and work


  • Tim Benton Open University England



Le Corbusier, dualism, predestination, mathematics, proportion, the spirit


How can a study of Le Corbusier’s post-war work – the Poème de l’angle droit and Modulor 1 and 2 – throw light on his earlier preoccupations. These works are retrospective and confessional. They are obsessed with the question ‘By what right may I create?’ The former work looks for answers in experience and the latter in the ‘divine’ world of mathematics. From at least 1906, when he bought and devoured Edouard Schoré’s Les grands initiés, Le Corbusier had a strong sense of predestination and a conviction that suffering was a necessary part of the voyage to enlightenment. His dualism, the belief in the separation of the spiritual and material worlds, encouraged him to view mathematics as part of the ‘hidden world’ of the spirit. His problem, in the research leading up to Modulor 1, was how to reconcile divine proportion and human experience. He invariably described the passage from the material to the spiritual worlds in terms of physical processes – smoking, simmering, brewing, giving birth. This idea, clearly described in one of his lectures in 1929, and his frequent discussion of ‘cosmic’ forces and symbolism during the 1930s, indicates that these ideas were well entrenched before the war.


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Author Biography

Tim Benton, Open University England

(b. 1945) is Professor of Art History at the Open University England. He is a leading researcher in Modernist architecture, with Le Corbusier as his special field of expertise. Benton has published a number of books, including a classic study of the design of Le Corbusier’s villas in Paris in the 1920s (1984) that was republished in a revised edition as The Villas of Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret 1920-1930 (Birkäuser, 2007). More recent publications include The rhetoric of modernism : Le Corbusier as a lecturer (Birkhäuser, 2009), LC foto : Le Corbusier : secret photographer (Lars Müller, 2013) and Le Corbusier peintre a Cap Martin (Editions du Patrimoine, 2015). He has contributed to major exhibitions including Thirties: art and design before the war, (Hayward Gallery, 1979), Le Corbusier, Architect of the Century (Hayward Gallery,1987), Art and Power : Europe under the dictators 1930-45 (Hayward Gallery 1984),  Art Deco 1910-1939 (V&A, 2003), Modernism Designing a New World (V&A 2006) and Modern taste: Art deco in Paris, 1910-1935 (Fundación Juan March, Madrid, 2015). He has spent much of the last five years working on the villa E-1027 by Eileen Gray and Jean Badovici ("E-1027 and the Drôle de Guerre." AA files, 2017, 74: 123-154 and Cap moderne; Eileen Gray and Le Corbusier Modernism by the sea, Editions du Patrimoine, 2020). He has co-curated three exhibitions on E-1027 and its restoration on the Cap Moderne site at Roquebrune-Cap-Martin.


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How to Cite

Benton, T. (2022). Milieu, spirit, flesh and fusion in Le Corbusier’s life and work. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (17), 12–41.



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