Edited Orality: Relearning from Denise Scott Brown’s Answers in the Interview Relearning from Las Vegas





Women Architects, Oral History, Interview, Rem Koolhaas, Robert Venturi, Critical Thinking


In developing a more inclusive architectural history, using oral history as a methodology for accessing silenced experiences, sharing forgotten knowledge, and transcending the drawn or build construct can be enlightening. It is possible by exploring a crucial but largely overlooked question: the role of the interview in architectural practice —not interviews of architects but interviews by architects—. In particular, the interview Relearning from Las Vegas (2000), conducted by Rem Koolhaas in collaboration with Hans Ulrich Obrist to Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown. It is no coincidence that Koolhaas's beginnings as an interviewer took place at the Haagse Post, with editing processes that were a tool for assembling transcripts focused on the unpopular as a critical exercise. The edited orality allows him to redesign the character, emphasize what interests him, and eliminate what does not build the desired profile. Revalue some of Scott Brown's answers means providing an essayistic and speculative value to the spoken and informal content as a legitimate source to vindicate contributions of the interviewee. These editorial practices will contrast positions by entering into the slippery territories of a discipline that evades an outspoken realism to face the future with some critical stance.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Cantero Vinuesa, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Antonio Cantero holds an International doctorate in Architecture, with Cum Laude, from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), he won the COAM Award Doctoral Thesis in 2021, and he is a beneficiary of the Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Grant 2022-24 (Princeton University-UPM) of the Ministry of Universities of the Government of Spain. He holds a Master's Degree in Advanced Architectural Design from the Technical School of Architecture of the UPM. He did teaching mentoring as an assistant professor in the Department of Architectural Projects as a member of the research group Emerging Practices in Architecture, and he made a doctoral stay at the OMA Archive in the city of Rotterdam. Together with Consuelo Fernández they form ‘AntonioyConsuelo Arquitectos’. Among other prizes, they have won the MITMA competition for the La Tejera Congress Center in Palencia.

Lina Toro Ocampo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Lina Toro is an architect by the UPB of Medellín since 2001 and I obtained a license to practice as an architect in Spain in 2007 (MECD). She has been an international doctor (cum laude) from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) since 2021. She is a professor at the UPM School of Architecture, IE University, and UNAB (Chile). She founded the studio Dosmasunoarquitectos (2003-2013) and LinaToro.Arch (2014-). She has been awarded in 33 architectural competitions. Among her built works are the projects: Behind the Scenes, Not Only a Car Wash; CSS Móstoles; M30 Walkways; Syntes House; and 102 Carabanchel Homes. She co-directed the magazine Arquitectos of the CSCAE between 2006 and 2013, the magazine Monoespacios (COAM) between 2004 and 2007, and co-edited Uncharted: New Landscapes of Tourism (Actar, 2014). In 2018, she obtained the Arquia+RABASF scholarship being a visiting scholar at Columbia University the following year. Currently, she holds a Postdoctoral Grant Margarita Salas to work as a researcher at the UPM.


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How to Cite

Cantero Vinuesa, A., & Toro Ocampo, L. (2022). Edited Orality: Relearning from Denise Scott Brown’s Answers in the Interview Relearning from Las Vegas. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (18), 114–121. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.2022186189