The Social Architecture of Itziar González Virós: Towards a Democratic Space Construction




Social Architecture, Participation, Cooperation, Public Space, Feminine Traits, Democracy


The paper explores the meaning of social architecture based on the analysis of the thought and work of the Barcelona-based architect Itziar González Virós (1967). The main aim consists of reflecting on the characteristics of design of processes focused on democratic construction of space from a double valence: on the one hand from the affinities with feminist thought, on the other, from the identification of feminine leadership traits. Based on the case study justification and the methodological approach, two architect’s career key projects are presented to exemplify social architecture practices: “Another Lesseps square is possible” (2002) and “Les Rambles” (2017-2018). The discussion on social architecture will continue to scrutinize the mentioned double valence through reflections on design towards egalitarian forms of relationship; the agency capacity to accompany change; community value as a key element; and the barriers and potentials derived from feminine leadership traits. Thus, it concludes with the review and nuance of the initially raised hypotheses about the notion of social architecture.


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Author Biography

Marta Serra-Permanyer, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Marta Serra-Permanyer (1981) is a Ph.D. Architect and Serra-Hunter lecturer in the Department of Theory and History of Architecture and Communication Techniques at the Vallès School of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Catalonia. She researches in theory, history and practice of community participation in architecture and urbanism, user autonomy, artistic practices and public space. In teaching, she coordinates the theory and history course ‘Architecture and City’ in the Degree of Architecture, and ‘City and Society’ in the MISMeC Master's Degree program, promoting service-learning processes. She is also linked to the MBarch Master's Degree program of the ETSA of Barcelona. She has been a co-founder of the cooperative ‘Cíclica Arquitectura’ (2012-2020), she got a Ph.D. Grant FPU-MICINN, and is currently part of the research group ‘Architecture, City and Culture: an interdisciplinary and anthropological perspective. Culture and thought in front of the urban space’ directed by professor Marta Llorente. Her Ph.D. Dissertation, "Latent Spaces: contemporary practices in arts towards a critical urbanism" (2014), was supervised by Professor of Urbanism José Luís Oyón.


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How to Cite

Serra-Permanyer, M. (2022). The Social Architecture of Itziar González Virós: Towards a Democratic Space Construction. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (18), 148–159.