Neighbourhood Information Model (NIM) for urban regeneration: a methodological approach




urban regeneration, data-driven methods, assessment methods, Geographic Information Systems, Building Information Modelling


Urban regeneration is a field in which data-driven methods have proven their usefulness both for needs analysis and for the simulation of actions. After summarising the current situation in Spain in this respect, this article presents the methodological approaches of successive works developed in this field in the Autonomous Community of Castilla y León, as well as the fundamentals of a method called "Neighbourhood Information Model" (NIM) aimed at the pre-evaluation of urban regeneration actions, based on the use of open data and its processing through simple procedures using commonly used software in the fields of Geographic Information Systems and Building Information Modelling. Although these premises impose the limitations currently inherent to methods that renounce to complex data treatment processes and to the generation of ad hoc technological or computer tools, its usefulness is noted to characterise the regeneration needs of urban fabrics and to evaluate possible intervention actions in defined areas from a comparative approach.


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Author Biographies

Miguel Fernández-Maroto, University of Valladolid

Architect (2012), Master of Research in Architecture (2014, Premio Extraordinario) and PhD in Architecture (2019, Mención Internacional, Premio Extraordinario) from the University of Valladolid, where he is currently Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture, in the Department of Urban Planning and Representation of Architecture. He conducts his research as a member of the Instituto Universitario de Urbanística (IUU) of the University of Valladolid and of its Research Group “Urban and Regional Planning” (IUU_Lab), and he is the academic secretary of both the IUU and its journal, “Ciudades”. His work focuses on spatial planning techniques and tools, taking into account both its recent history and current lines of innovation.

Marta Alonso Rodríguez, University of Valladolid

PhD Architect by ETSA at the University of Valladolid (2013) and Assistant Professor of the Department of Urban Planning and Representation of Architecture (2019), within the area of Architectural Graphic Expression of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of Valladolid. Her PhD thesis, entitled “Oviedo Forma Urbis”, focused on the use of new technologies to reconstruct the urban heritage disappeared from the city of Oviedo. Her work developed on this line has focused on the implementation of new information technologies for the restitution and diffusion of architectural heritage.

Víctor Antonio Lafuente Sánchez, University of Valladolid

Architect (2008), Degree in History and Sciences of Music (2011) and Master's Degree in Cultural Economics and Cultural Management (2012) with Premio Extraordinario Fin de Master. Research scholarship in the Department of Urban Planning and Representation of Architecture of the E.T.S. Architecture of Valladolid. PhD in Architecture with International Mention (2013). Assistant Professor at the Department of Urbanism and Representation of Architecture, within the area of Architectural Graphic Expression of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of Valladolid. Coordinator of the Degree in Industrial Design and Product Development at the same university.

Daniel López Bragado, University of Valladolid

Architect (2008), Master of Research in Architecture (2014) and PhD in Architecture (2016) from the University of Valladolid. Assistant Professor of the Department of Urban Planning and Representation of Architecture within the area of Architectural Graphic Expression of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of Valladolid. Adjunct Professor of the Department of Architecture in the area of Graphic Expression of the Higher Polytechnic School of the Antonio de Nebrija University of Madrid. Ordinary member of the Instituto de Estudios Zamoranos Florián de Ocampo of the Diputación de Zamora. Ordinary member of the Research Group “Documentation, Analysis and Representation of the Architectural Heritage” of the University of Valladolid.

Enrique Rodrigo González, University of Valladolid

Architect from the University of Valladolid (1999), University Specialist in Urban and Territorial Planning (University of Valladolid, 2000), Expert in Geographic Information Systems (University of Huelva, 2013) and Specialist in GIS applied to Urban Planning (ESRI, 2008), with certification as an ArcGIS desktop user (ESRI, 2010). Adjunct Professor and Specialist Laboratory Technician (Geographic Information Systems) in the Department of Urban Planning and Representation of Architecture at the University of Valladolid. Since 2000 he has been a contracted architect or collaborator at the Instituto Universitario de Urbanística of the University of Valladolid, where he has been collaborating since 1990 in research projects and other work.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Maroto, M., Alonso Rodríguez, M., Lafuente Sánchez, V. A., López Bragado, D., & Rodrigo González, E. (2023). Neighbourhood Information Model (NIM) for urban regeneration: a methodological approach. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (19), 170–183.