The rise and fall of strategic urban projects as an instrument of urban regeneration in European cities
Strategic projects, urban processes, mega-events, flagship projects, urban projectsAbstract
The rise of strategic urban projects (SUPs) in the last decades of the 20th century was favoured by a series of political and economic factors, as well as a consequence of the urban planning theories of the time. In these European projects, even with their logical differences and local specificities, both in the urban structure and forms and in the sphere of productive activities, it is possible to find similar objectives, characteristics, strategies and processes. In many cases, the SUPs have achieved a large part of their objectives, although they have also been criticised, especially by academics. The economic crisis and the change of urban paradigms, with greater environmental awareness and public participation, led to a rethinking of their suitability as an instrument for large-scale intervention and urban regeneration in central areas, resulting in a change of model. This article makes a critical review of the SUPs, as well as their efficiency and current validity, drawing lessons that can be used for new strategies for cities in the 21st century.
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