The cross and the curtain. Mies or the modern iconoclasm


  • Fernando Espuelas Universidad Europea de Madrid



Iconoclasm, Mies van der Rohe, Lilly Reich, void, cross, curtain


The ideological position that rejects the symbolic use of human images has been recurrent throughout history. Propaganda in the service of power, whether political or religious, has made an overwhelming use of image. However, from time to time, due to exhaustion or weariness, contrary reactions occur that lead to the prohibition of the symbolic use of the image of the human body. At the beginning of the 20th century, the visual resources of the avant-garde relapsed into this inclination to dispense with the human image and replace it with artifacts or pure abstraction.
In accordance with an idealism not far from the Platonic, the abstraction of the Modern Movement intensifies in the void that reflects the architecture of Mies. This position leads to consider the disturbing human presence of that perfect order, and, consequently, to dispense with it, in what can be understood as a form of modern iconoclasm. The cross and the curtain are metonyms of the mechanisms to eliminate and replace the image and the human presence itself.


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Author Biography

Fernando Espuelas, Universidad Europea de Madrid

Fernando Espuelas, Architect since 1978. He received his doctorate in 1990 with the thesis El Claro en el bosque, Reflexiones sobre el Vacío en Arquitectura, directed by Juan Navarro Baldeweg. He has been teacher at the Universidad Europea de Madrid from 2000 to 2020. Professor of Architectural Design at the School of Architecture, Engineering and Design (2016-2020). He has been founder and editor of the REIA, magazine, Revista Europea de Investigación en Arquitectura (2013-2021). He is the author of the books El Claro en el bosque. Reflexiones sobre el Vacío en Arquitectura (Fundación Caja de Arquitectos, 1999), Madre Materia (Lampreave, 2009), Anomalías domésticas (Pre-Textos, 2022). In these monographs he combines architecture, art and philosophy. He regularly publishes in architecture magazines: El Croquis, ZARCH, Constelaciones, RITA, Arquitectura COAM, etc. He is the author, among others, of the buildings: Colmenar Viejo Auditorium, El Escorial Library, Colmenar Viejo Library and Sports-Cultural Center in Moraleja de Enmedio.


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How to Cite

Espuelas, F. (2023). The cross and the curtain. Mies or the modern iconoclasm. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (20), 86–97.



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