Navarro Baldeweg: Installation and infrastructure in Canal de Castilla


  • Jacobo García-Germán Vázquez Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



Navarro Baldeweg, Canal de Castilla, infrastructure, installation, drawing, gaze


The action of re-describing, by means of looking, registering and re-presenting a pre-existing reality, updating its content and transforming it into operational material, has been constituted in recent decades as a specific architectural project technique. A technique endowed with its own genealogy and unique disciplinary tools. In the contemporary context of energy crisis, oversaturation of the built world and the need to creatively reevaluate the different inherited historical heritages, minimal intervention resources and the ability of architecture to lighten up, with a new perspective, an as-found scenario, acquire prominence as mechanisms of action for the architect.
The work on the disused fluvial infrastructure of the Canal de Castilla carried out in the academic context of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid by the architect and artist Juan Navarro Baldeweg in 1980-82, is a convenient case study as an early contribution to these procedures. A collective architectural process associated with mechanisms derived from the artistic avant-gardes of that moment, as well as with a pioneering sensitivity in the reconsideration of industrial heritage, while acting as a field of conceptual experimentation for subsequent architectures by Navarro Baldeweg. The text studies this process and its interweaving with the academic, architectural and transdisciplinary lines that support it.


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Author Biography

Jacobo García-Germán Vázquez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Jacobo García-Germán Vázquez (Madrid, 1974) is a PhD architect by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM), MA architect in Histories & Theories by the London Architectural Association and professor at ETSAM, where he currently directs the Master’s programme in Advanced Design (MPAA). He has taught and lectured in numerous Spanish and international universities and institutions. Director of GARCIAGERMAN ARQUITECTOS, his work has obtained, amongst other recognitions, COAM Luis Moreno Mansilla 2021 Prize, Shortlist for the Mies van der Rohe European Union 2019 Award, XIV Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo 2018 Prize and FAD Prize 2013. He is the author of several books and research texts published in specialized media, having directed Arquitectura, official magazine of the Madrid’s Board of Architects (COAM), between 2017 and 2022. In a parallel career path as a curator in architecture, he has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the Spanish Pavilion for the XV Venice Architecture Biennale 2016, awarded with the Golden Lion.


Arranz, Juan Benito. El Canal de Castilla (Memoria descriptiva). Valladolid: Ed. Facsímil Academia Nueva, 1957. Maxtor, 2001.

Navarro Baldeweg, Juan. El Canal de Castilla. Madrid: Biblioteca de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid. Signatura 21.336, 1982.

Navarro Baldeweg, Juan. “El Canal de Castilla” en Arquitectura N.º 234. Madrid: Revista del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid,1982.

Navarro Baldeweg, Juan; Lahuerta, Juan José y González García, Ángel. Juan Navarro Baldeweg. Opere e progetti. Milán: Electa, 1990.

Navarro Baldeweg, Juan. Juan Navarro Baldeweg. Madrid: Ministerio de Fomento, 2017.

Bourriaud, Nicolas. Postproducción. Buenos Aires: Adriana Hidalgo Editora, 2007.

Flam, Jack (Ed.) Robert Smithson The Collected Writings. Berkeley-Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1996.

Krauss, Rosalind. “Sculpture in the Expanded Field”. October Vol. 8. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1979.

Moreno, Ignacio. Dibujos mentales. Principios del universo creativo de Juan Navarro Baldeweg. Madrid: Ediciones Asimétricas, 2017.

Rojo de Castro, Luis. “Conversación con Juan Navarro Baldeweg” en El Croquis Nº73 (I). Madrid: Editorial El Croquis, 1995.

Sambricio, Carlos. “Historic course of a canal” y Juan Navarro Baldeweg, “Along the Canal of Castille” en Lotus international Nº 52 (Promenades architecturales). Milán: Electa, 1987.



How to Cite

García-Germán Vázquez, J. (2023). Navarro Baldeweg: Installation and infrastructure in Canal de Castilla. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (20), 60–71.



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