The Anticipatory Capacity of Housing Design in Situation of Exception. Adalberto Libera in Tuscolano III




Tuscolano, Adalberto Libera, Post-war, Expanded Domesticity, Living Alone, Living Solo


Exceptional situations allow us to rethink sociocultural dynamics that were previously taken for granted. Architecture is often part of these processes, anticipating with its projects situations that would only occur decades later. This is the case of the Tuscolano III housing project (Rome, 1950), by Adalberto Libera, which introduces a concept of domesticity based on the dissolution between the public and the private. In this project, inhabiting is understood as a phenomenon that occurs on a neighborhood scale; and domesticity as something that expands beyond the walls of a house, and depends on a complex network of social, spatial and political relations. In Tuscolano III Libera proposes an inclusive model of the city, embracing lifestyles that were not widespread at the time, but are so in current times, such as living alone. Through this project, the article aims to investigate the anticipatory capacity of architectural design in periods of great change, as was the period of post-war reconstruction in Italy, and as is the contemporary era, with its continuing economic, political and health crises.


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Author Biographies

Flavio Martella, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Flavio Martella (Rome, 1990) holds a PhD in architecture from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (Spain) and a master's degree in architecture and engineering from the Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata. He published academic articles in prestigious journals such as "Housing Studies", "Housing, Theory and Society", "Home Cultures", "Frontiers of Architectural Research". As an architect he worked in different studios in Holland, Italy and Spain, where he participated in the development of numerous relevant projects, exhibitions, and research projects presented at the Biennials of Rotterdam, Seoul, Orleans and at the Tabacalera in Madrid. He is a lecturer in the Master in Architectural Communication at UPM, and has been invited as guest lecturer in the Master in Collective Housing at UPM and ETH. Since 2018 he is co-founder of m²ft architects, where he develops projects, exhibitions and research. His projects have been awarded and published in different platforms, magazines and books.

Atxu Amann y Alcocer, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Atxu Amann y Alcocer (Madrid, 1961) holds a PhD in Architecture from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (Spain). She holds a degree in Urban Planning from the Centro de Estudios Urbanos del I.E.A.L. (M.A.P.). She has been a scholarship holder at the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) in CAAD. She has been editor of the Journal of the Official College of Architects of Madrid. At the end of her degree in 1987, in association with Andrés Cánovas Alcaraz and Nicolás Maruri Mendoza, she created Temperaturas Extremas. She is currently a Professor at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, principal researcher of the UPM research group “Hypermedia, configuration and architectural communication workshop”, and head of the educational innovation group of the same name. She is creator and coordinator of the Master's Degree in Architectural Communication and member of the associated Doctoral Programme in Architectural Communication. She is also a lecturer on postgraduate courses in Editorial Graphic Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts (UCM).

Marco Enia, Universidad de las Americas Puebla

Marco Enia (Palermo, 1984) holds a PhD in Architectural Communication from E.T.S.A.M., Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (2018), where he also studied a Master in Analysis, Theory and History of Architecture (2013). He graduated as an architect from the Facoltà di architettura of the Università degli studi di Palermo, (2009).  He has collaborated, as a lecturer, with the Università degli studi di Palermo (2010-2012). He has lectured both in Europe and Latin America. His research has been published in first quartile (Q1) journals ("Reducing architecture. Doing almost nothing as a city-making strategy", Frontiers of architectural Research vol. 8, n.2; "Towards an urban domesticity. Contemporary architecture and the blurring boundaries between the house and the city", Housing Theory and Society vol. 38 n.4). Since 2019, he is a full-time professor in the Department of Architecture at the Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Mexico. Since 2020, he is a member of the SIN, Mexico's National System of Researchers.


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How to Cite

Martella, F., Amann y Alcocer, A., & Enia, M. (2023). The Anticipatory Capacity of Housing Design in Situation of Exception. Adalberto Libera in Tuscolano III. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (21), 55–67.



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