Margarita Mendizábal, Social Housing and Participation: Two Projects in Madrid




Margarita Mendizábal, Social Housing, Participation, Project Method, Women Architects, Madrid


The following article exposes two collective social housing projects carried out in Madrid by the architect Margarita Mendizábal Aracama. They are two projects of twenty-four and one hundred and nine homes carried out in 1969 and 1978, respectively, that stand out for incorporating participatory architecture into their design process. This unique project method, unusual in architectural practice in Spain, allowed us to reflect both the housing demands of future users and the symbolic function that the architecture of their homes had to adopt. Despite being located in two paradigmatic areas of Madrid such as Moratalaz (developed by the Obra Sindical del Hogar) and the ACTUR of Tres Cantos and having been carried out by one of the architects pioneers of Spain, their modest character and their contained dimensions have gone unnoticed by historiography. The objectives of the text are, on the one hand, to reflect the historical value of the participatory project and its application in these two collective social housing projects; and, on the other hand, to publicize the work of Margarita Mendizábal, to contribute to expanding knowledge about architecture and architectural culture in Spain.


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Author Biography

Olatz Ocerin-Ibáñez, Universidad del País Vasco

Olatz Ocerin-Ibáñez (Hondarribia, Gipuzkoa, 1975); UPV/EHU Architect (2005); PhD in Philosophy (Excellent cum laude) Department of Philosophy and Social Anthropology-UPV/EHU (2016); Researcher in “Architecture Archives. The memory of the profession” at the Basque Center of Architecture of Vitoria-Gasteiz (2013-2015); Associate Professor-Department of Architecture UPV/EHU (2018-Present); Co-Head of the UPV/EHU Architecture Archive (2020-Present); Academic Co-Director of the Course “Architecture Archives of the 20th Century” (12 ECTS) UPV/EHU (2021-2022-2023); Research director “Arquitectas Euskadi” subsidized by the Territorial Planning, Housing and Transport Department of the Basque Government (2020-Present); editor of the book “Architects Projecting and Building Euskadi” (2023), author of the chapter “Architects and social housing in Euskadi (1956-1996)”. Articles: “From the absence of female architects to the feminization of the Higher Technical Schools of Architecture (1752-2000)” in Cuestiones de gender magazine (2022); “Architecture Archives in teaching with a gender perspective” (JIDA 2021); “No news from female architects in Spain” in Asparkía journal (2020).


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How to Cite

Ocerin-Ibáñez, O. (2023). Margarita Mendizábal, Social Housing and Participation: Two Projects in Madrid. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (21), 120–131.



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