Mechanical Philosophy in the first half of 20th Century. Innovation and resonances


  • Diego Cano-Lasso Pintos Universidad CEU San Pablo



innovation, mechanicism, resonances, science, art, abstraction


It is in the early twentieth century when the transition occurs from figurative to abstract, from reality to i-reality or what is intellectualized. It is considered one of the most important moments of the modern era for both Science and Art; when a deep dimensional transformation of language and technical methods occur from new scientific discoveries, of great importance for future events. The technical reality has raised new sensations and have triggered sensibilities based on criteria derived from mechanical precision and scientific aspects of the moment. Would this claim confirm that the technical experience or Mechanical Philosophy has been assimilated by the artistic sensibility, expression introduced by TS Eliot in 1929, supported by Lewis Mumford in 1934 and reafirmed by Siegfried Giedion in 1941; and vice versa, that creative sensibilities have been assimilated by the Mechanical Philosophy?


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Author Biography

Diego Cano-Lasso Pintos, Universidad CEU San Pablo

Diego Cano-Lasso Pintos (Santiago, 1954). Arquitecto ETSAM, 1978. Doctor Arquitecto, 2014. Profesor de Proyectos CEU San Pablo. Méritos como integrante de Estudio Cano Lasso: VI y IX Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia. Finalista Premios FAD 2000, 2002, 2005 y 2006. Premio COAM 1993 y 2001. III, VI, VII y X Bienales de Arquitectura Española. Primer Premio Europan 5, 1998. Mención Europan 2, 1992. Finalista Europan 3 y 4, 1994 y 1996. 42 Primeros Premios en Concursos Nacionales e Internacionales con lema e intervención de jurado. Monografías: Monoespa- cios – ECL. Fundación Coam, 2005. Works ECL. T6 Ediciones. ETSA Navarra, 2001. Estudio Cano Lasso. Electa Milán, 1997. Julio Cano Lasso / Estudio Cano Lasso. Ediciones Munilla-Lería, 1996. Huellas en el sendero. Edición limitada del autor, 2003. Participación con tres biografías en el Diccionario Biográfico Español de la RRAAHH, 2004. Redacción del Epílogo de El Libro de las curvas. Fundación Esteyco, 2005. Conferencias a destacar: París, Milán, Nápoles, Roma, Cagliari, Spittal.



How to Cite

Cano-Lasso Pintos, D. (2014). Mechanical Philosophy in the first half of 20th Century. Innovation and resonances. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (3), 42–53.



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