Visual dispersion and new synesthesia: some considerations on the Blur Building


  • Eugenio Pandolfini Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



Visual perception, haptic perception, visual dispersion, tactile vision, informatic sublime


Certain types of contemporary buildings, as the Blur Building by Diller + Scofidio, can be regarded as complex systems, which refer to the new paradigms of the contemporary and post-industrial society (i.e. flexibility, adaptability, interaction, etc.). These projects, expressions of the contradictions of this time, can be interpreted and better understood thanks to a perceptive analysis, a potential analysis tool capable of establishing relations between architectural design and psychology, the fear of space, estrangement and pathologies linked to perception and modern neurosis. Diller + Scofidio have designed a pavilion - wrapped in an abstract interface - that can be perceived only through a tactile and haptic perception, using the body and not the eyes, thus developing new kind of relationships between architecture, context and users. Further exploring such complex aspects of contemporary architecture that are beyond the possibilities of visual perception, the article closes with some reflections on the concept of sublime, and on its perceptual aspects: this concept can be regarded as a key for better understanding the complexity of this project and perhaps to address other contemporary buildings which, as the Blur Building, resist disciplinary and traditional analysis tools.


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Author Biography

Eugenio Pandolfini, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Eugenio Pandolfini (1976). Arquitecto por la Escuela de Arquitectura de Florencia y máster en Proyectos Arquitectónicos Avanzados por la Es- cuela Técnica Superior de Madrid (ETSAM). Está realizando su tesis doctoral en el Departamento de Proyectos de la ETSAM sobre el concepto de percepción distraída como herramienta de análisis transversal en el ámbito del proyecto de arquitectura. Colabora con la Escuela de Arquitectura de Florencia y de Alghero, y con la Escuela de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad de Florencia como profesor asistente y profesor con- tratado en el ámbito de varias asignaturas (proyecto III, restauración urbana, etc.). Es profesor contratado de Kent State University, donde imparte cursos de Lectura de las ciudades históricas. Actualmente, realiza una estancia de investigación en la Escuela de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad de Florencia, donde trabaja sobre la relación entre arquitectura, nuevas tecnologías de comunicación y modalidades perceptivas.


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How to Cite

Pandolfini, E. (2014). Visual dispersion and new synesthesia: some considerations on the Blur Building. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (2), 158–171.



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