Valorizing vernacular architecture. Historical keys for the ongoing discourse
Vernacular architecture, architectural eclecticisim, perception, conservation, cultural evolutionAbstract
The article analyzes how vernacular architecture was valorized depending on the place, the cultural background and the external influences in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The discourse relates Spain with Central European countries, those who were pioneers in encouraging culture, traditions and pedagogy through a new way of observing and feeling the beauty of certain objects. As it will see, eclectic views took place, from those who defended tradition, to those who viewed the weight of history as a burden detrimental to the evolution and progress. In that sense, the intended approach on the modern perception of the traces of vernacular architecture is novel because the topic is focused from the cultural and societal divergences from the different temporalities. The paper concludes the analysis of the place and their traces by noticing their topicality with contemporary assessments on the vernacular architecture and society of the different Cultural Environments.
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