From shelters to communities: Frederick Cuny's approach to disaster relief




Frederick Cuny, John F.C. Turner, refugees, camp planning, disaster relief, community participation, sustainable development


This article examines the enduring influence of Frederick Cuny, a pioneering humanitarian whose work revolutionized disaster relief and refugee camp design. It explores Cuny's legacy in reshaping notions of permanence and temporality in camps, blurring the lines between these spaces and conventional cities. Cuny's approach challenged traditional rigid grid layouts, emphasizing community-based, decentralized designs that prioritized open spaces. His principles of community participation, development over aid, and the shift from shelter products to sheltering processes - ideas that the article links to the work of John F.C. Turner - continue to shape contemporary disaster management strategies. By examining two important case studies in which Cuny was involved, Camp Choloma and Program Kuchuba’l, the article also underscores the vital link between the spatial organization of camps and their social dynamics, emphasizing how camps evolve into permanent communities. Cuny's groundbreaking work remains highly pertinent in addressing modern challenges, including natural disasters, ongoing refugee crises, and substandard housing.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Fraile-Garrido, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Patricia Fraile-Garrido (Palencia, 1987) is an architect and educator whose research focuses on collaborative processes in architecture and urbanism. Since receiving her MArch from ETSA Madrid in 2014, she has been engaged in teaching, research, and practice in different contexts in the United States and Europe, developing her work through interdisciplinary approaches. Fraile-Garrido is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, where she has also worked as an assistant professor (2018-2019).

Inés Martín-Robles, University of Virginia

Inés Martín-Robles (Salamanca, 1976) holds a bachelor's and master's degree in architecture from ETSA Madrid-UPM (2002) and a Ph.D. from the Polytechnic Institute-CEU San Pablo University (2017).  She is Associate Professor in the School of Architecture at the University of Virginia (2015). Her research interests focus on the survival of the past through tradition, and the role of memory in architectural design methodology. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and is co-author of the book "The Tradition in Julio Cano Lasso". (2020) Editorial Rueda.


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How to Cite

Fraile-Garrido, P., & Martín-Robles, I. (2024). From shelters to communities: Frederick Cuny’s approach to disaster relief. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (22), 106–119.