Beyond ‘manualistic’: The complex ontological status of the refug(e)e in the camps when the temporary becomes permanent




Refugees, Refugee Camps, ontology, Architecture and Planning, Protection


The institutionalization of human displacement, ratified with the creation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (1951), although effective in emergencies, However, it has had the unforeseen effect of prolonging situations that were conceived and programmed as temporary. This has raised questions about the nature of its action and has led to various limitations and dilemmas in asylum spaces, such as camps, indebted to a ‘manualistic’ approach that compresses life and architectural practice into instrumental indicators. The physical and legal dependence of refugees on the circumstances and decisions of the host states forces us to frame the discussion on refugees, and by extension, on refuge, as ontological problems. From this perspective, the proposed critical elaboration is that the evolution of the concept of reception spaces (or territories), as a physical manifestation of a political technology embodied in ‘manualistic’ practices, shapes an experience and management of refugee individuals that blurs their ontological status. This situation arises from the institutionalization of refuge and the consequent physical and legal dependence of refugees on external decisions. An ontological questioning of the refugee that, as we understand it, necessitates a reconsideration of the architecture and planning of refuge spaces.


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Author Biographies

Maria de Fátima Canteiro Neto, Universidade do Porto

Maria Neto (1986, Mirandela). Architect, visiting assistant professor at DECA-UBI, and a researcher at CEAU-FAUP and ICHaB-ETSAM. Awarded her PhD in Architecture (EA-UAH+ICHaB-ETSAM, 2022) with an individual FCT scholarship and nominated for the Extraordinary Award, she has postgraduate studies in the Development of Human Settlements in the Third World (ICHaB/ETSAM) and professional training in Humanitarian Shelter Coordination (IFRC/UNHCR/Oxford Brookes University). She has collaborated with UNHCR in Kenya and BRC in England, supporting refugees and asylum seekers. She was the recipient of the Fernando Távora Award, was a guest speaker for the Portuguese representation at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, and was selected for the anthology of the Lisbon Triennial Universities Award. She is involved in various research projects with competitive funds (FCT, MICIU, and DGArtes) and is the author of numerous articles, book chapters, and published books. She has also edited various journals, magazines and specialty books with Scopio Editions, a publisher she has been working with since 2013. Alongside teaching at DECA-UBI and practicing in her studio in Porto, she collaborated with IHRU on the "From Housing to Habitat" program and currently coordinates at UBI the interinstitutional agreement UBI-FAUP-CMF for the execution of 5 buildings as part of the National Emergency and Temporary Housing Grant (BNAUT), aimed at communities of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants.

Roberto Goycoolea Prado, Universidad de Alcalá

Santiago de Chile, 1956. Architect, State Technical University (1983); Urban Sociology Diploma (Concepción U., 1983); Ph.D. in Architecture, Madrid Polytechnic University (1992). Partner in Prada Poole Architects (1983-1994). 1995-99 began his academic career as PhD coordinator at the UPM in Mexico. Since 1999, Full Professor of Architectural Analysis at the School of Architecture of the University of Alcalá, where he was the first director until 2004. He currently teaches in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses in Architecture and Tourism, in the Creative’s Cities and Territories master’s degree (URJC) and coordinates the SGDs line of the Architecture Master's degree (UAH). He has carried out architectural, teaching, and research projects focused on the perception and use of living space in different countries in Europe, America, and Africa. He has supervised 17 doctoral theses. Google Scholar registers 137 publications as author or co-author.


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Agier, Michel. Managing the Undesirables: Refugee Camps and Humanitarian Government. Polity, 2011.

Agier, Michel. On the Margins of the World: The Refugee Experience Today. Polity, 2008.

Amnesty International. Médecins Tortionnaires, Medicins Résistants. La Découverte, Paris, 1989

Arendt, Hannah. The Origins of Totalitarism. Cleveland: Meridian Books, 1962.

Augé, Marc. Não lugares: Introdução a uma antropologia da supermodernidade. Editora 34, 1994.

Bachelard, Gaston. A Poética do Espaço. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2005.

Brauman, Rony. A Acção Humanitária. Instituto Piaget, 1997.

Corboz, André. “El territorio como Palimpsesto”, 2005.

Elden, Stuart. The Birth of Territory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Foucault, Michel. História da Sexualidade I: A Vontade de Saber. Edições Graal, 1998.

Gilles, Deleuze. Espinosa: Filosofia Prática. São Paulo: Editora Escuta, 2002.

Harrell-Bond, Barbara. “Can humanitarian work with refugees be humane?", 2002.

Heidegger, Martin. Ser e Tempo. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2005.

Maingueneau, Dominique. Gênese dos Discursos. Curitiba: Criar Edições, 2005.

Montaner, Josep María. Condición contemporánea de la arquitectura. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 2015.

Neto, María, Territórios indefinidos no dilema da acção humanitária. Posicionamento crítico do arquitecto no entendimento dos campos de refugiados em situações prolongadas. Dadaab, Quénia: 1991-2021. Universidad de Alcalá, 2016.

Negri, Antonio. Exílio. São Paulo: Iluminuras, 2001.

Norberg-Schulz, Christian. Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture. New York: Rizzoli, 1979.

Rapoport, Amos. The Meaning of the Built Environment: A Nonverbal Communication Approach. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1990.

Soguk, Nevzat. States and Strangers. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999.

UNHCR, Operational Update: Dadaab, Kenya 01-15 June 2018, UNHCR, 2018

UN-Habitat, Dadaab Spatial Profile June 2021, UN-Habitat, 2021.



How to Cite

Canteiro Neto, M. de F., & Goycoolea Prado, R. (2024). Beyond ‘manualistic’: The complex ontological status of the refug(e)e in the camps when the temporary becomes permanent. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (22), 90–105.