Storytelling as a technique capable of improving communicative effectiveness in the educational field




storytelling, estrategias comunicativas, discurso persuasivo, retórica, competencias comunicativas.


The aim of the article is to contribute to the development of research on the use of storytelling in the field of Spanish education, mainly in adult education. According to the literature, it is a technique widely used in many areas, but it has not generated the same enthusiasm in the academic scientific field, and, specifically, in the field of education. The contribution aims to limit the concept of storytelling, identify which are the main elements that make up this technique, ask if a program designed to learn the technique of storytelling would contribute to the increase of communicative competence in the members of the educational community. The qualitative methodology is used, specifically the Delphi analysis technique. It is concluded that the capabilities of the communicator are a fundamental element. They stand out, knowing how to summon the emotions of their audiences and knowing how to identify what their audience expects when they pay attention. It is also concluded that it is a technique that can be learned through the design of a program, it opens the door to future research that contributes to the use of storytelling in communication between those who make up the educational community.


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How to Cite

Galar Gimeno, J. L. (2021). Storytelling as a technique capable of improving communicative effectiveness in the educational field. Revista educación, investigación, innovación Y Transferencia, (1), 31–50.