Participatory diagnosis for an inclusive learning space transformation




espacio educativo, arquitectura escolar, transformación socioeducativa, investigación acción participativa, inclusión


Recently, schools and educative communities demand the necessity of transforming their consolidated spaces in reference to the inappropriate adequacy between spaces and learning methodologies, architectural barriers, the lack of aesthetic quality or the scarce diversity (cultural, gender-wise, functional…), among others. In this dissertation, a participatory action research is proposed, in a school that wishes to initiate a transformation process. This school is C.E.I.P. Santo Domingo in Zaragoza. This way, it arises the need of understanding how the spaces of this school are and how are they used? Which are the needs of the agents of this educative community? And how should a transformation responding to these necessities be? With the aim of answering to these questions, a qualitative research has been proposed; taking into account participant observation, discuss groups with the agents of the educative community, activities that had been carried with students and an architectural analysis. A data analysis has been done through the software NVIVO 12. The obtained results of the analysis have helped to construct the participatory diagnosis which will serve as a beginning point for a future architectural transformation of the school.


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How to Cite

Ares Nicolás, I. (2021). Participatory diagnosis for an inclusive learning space transformation. Revista educación, investigación, innovación Y Transferencia, (1), 1–30.