Master Plan for the Loughborough University of Technology: An Endless Campus?


  • Débora Domingo-Calabuig Universitat Politècnica de València



campus planning, Loughborough University, Arup Associates, mat-building, Open Work


The Master Plan for the Loughborough University of Technology is a 143-page document that gathers the work undertaken by the institution to become a university, thus benefiting from the educational policies derived from the 1963 Robbins report in Britain. Arup Associates authored in 1966 a proposal whose main characteristic is its ascription to an infinite grid strategy and a systematized project. The different diagrams and growth schemes represent the geometric synthesis of some compositional and constructive rules: three grids overlap to produce a germ drawing to which a growth pattern is added for its territorial extension. For the sake of flexibility and adaptability, the project tries to avoid architectural obsolescence through the achievement of a “universal space unit”. Hence, a “discipline” is established whose definition turns out to be a succession of limitations. Through the reconstruction of the design process for the Loughborough University, the multiple meanings of the limit concept are portrayed in parallel to its idea of ​​a continuous and endless campus. A strict internal order, an intentionally open reading of the territory and a constructive standardization produce a kind of visual exhaustion of the whole that could be understood as a limit of spatial nature.


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Author Biography

Débora Domingo-Calabuig, Universitat Politècnica de València

Débora Domingo-Calabuig (Valencia, 1972) has been an architect since 1997, after studying in the School of Architecture of the Universitat Politécnica de València (UPV) and the School of Architecture of Paris-La Défense, and a PhD architect since 2005 through the UPV. She joined the Department of Architectural Projects in the UPV in 2000 where she is currently a PhD associate professor. Between 2012 and 2016, she was the assistant director for research for the School of Architecture in Valencia and is a member of Research Academy of the European Association for Architectural Education. Her research is focused on the social consideration of architecture and urbanism during the 60s and 70s. She has developed alongside professor Raúl Castellanos Gómez a research project on the mat-building whose results have been published in Boletín Académico Contemporáneo (2011), Proyecto, progreso, arquitectura (2011, 2012), The Architectural Review (2013), DEARQ (2015), and arq: Architectural Research Quarterly (2016). Recently, this research has led her to the re-compiling of the post-war university campuses since some case studies are perfectly in line with the definition of “open work” by Umberto Eco.


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How to Cite

Domingo-Calabuig, D. (2020). Master Plan for the Loughborough University of Technology: An Endless Campus?. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (14), 100–113.



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