Limit Geometries of Architectural Filters: Precise Rationality and Poetic Emotion


  • Miguel Guitart University at Buffalo



limit, Architectural Atmospheres, Architectural Filters, Visual Interference, Phenomena of Interference, Limit


An architectural filter is a porous material construction that regulates transverse visual relationships, and establishes degrees of connection through the intervention of light and gaze. Filtering boundaries display variable proportions of mass and air, which are instrumental to the production of the spatial experience behind the mediation of matter and geometry. A filter's structural system synthesizes geometric relations with the capacity to cause architectural atmospheres, as a result of the active border that is technically precise and sensorially ambiguous at the same time. The text sustains that the emerging atmospheres behind the filter cannot take place without a previous, precise geometric production; the poetic dimension of filtering strategies originates from its capacity to transform the concrete geometry of its contour conditions and controlled material execution into an unexpected atmosphere of emotional and incommensurable qualities.


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Author Biography

Miguel Guitart, University at Buffalo

Miguel Guitart, Ph.D., is an architect, author, and academic who teaches as Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture and Planning at the University at Buffalo - State University of New York. His research focuses on the space that emerges at the intersection of matter and perception, and the experiential thresholds between physical boundaries, memory, and tactility. Guitart obtained his Doctorate of Architecture Summa Cum Laude from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid ETSAM, UPM, in 2014, where he received his degree in architecture Summa Cum Laude in 2000. Guitart obtained a postprofessional Master’s Degree from the Graduate School of Design GSD at Harvard University in 2003 as a J. W. Fulbright Scholar. Since 2002, Guitart has taught at the Pontifical University of Madrid UPSAM, University of Zaragoza UNIZAR, and the Boston Architectural Center BAC. Guitart has been awarded by the American Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture - ACSA, the New York State Council for the Arts - NYSCA, or the Canadian AZ Awards, among others. Guitart has published in journals such as the Journal of Architectural Education JAE, Journal of Technology, Architecture, and Design TAD, Arquia Próxima, Cátedra Cerámica, TC Cuadernos, Zarch, Future Arquitecturas, Radar, RA Revista Arquitectura, Rita, Constelaciones, and Arquitectura COAM, among others. Guitart has also authored and edited several books, such as The Depth of the Skin (Ediciones Asimetricas, 2015) or the Práctica Arquitectónica PA book series (I, II, III, IV), a platform for design methodologies on the practice of architectural design.


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How to Cite

Guitart, M. (2021). Limit Geometries of Architectural Filters: Precise Rationality and Poetic Emotion. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (15), 222–233.