Dissonant heritage: An approach from the art of simulacra
Historical consciousness, historicism, dissonance, memoryAbstract
The new interpretations surrounding the concept of heritage have encouraged us to examine it from an anthropological point of view as a cultural process in which societies reach an agreement on which collective memories, meanings, values, and sense of place are going to be passed on to future generations. Since the narratives provided by the heritage may change over time and/or have different interpretations that could clash, heritage is considered to be a topic of debate. Following the idea of the Historia magistra vitae, in this paper we propose retrieving some experiences related to the management of patrimonial dissonance and linking them with more recent ones through the artistic concept of simulacrum. We will discuss the ability of this concept to act as a mechanism of historical consciousness and a preservation practice, through reflections by Hans-George Gadamer, Reinhart Koselleck, Henri Lefebvre, and Jean Baudrillard.
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