The secret garden of Jose Luis Romany. The Programmed Settlement of Fuencarral (Madrid)


  • Jesús García Herrero Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



Romany, Programmed Settlement, vegetation, social housing, urban nature, garden


Nature plays a prominent role in Fuencarral's Programmed Settlement, enriching the remarkable architecture conceived by José Luis Romany in 1956. The neighborhood, designed by the architect at the beginning of his professional career, reflects well his vital moment, by combining the sensitivity developed when he studied in situ the gardens of Granada, with the rationality, the economy or the constructive precision of the social housing projects developed  with the design team of Hogar del Empleado building company (CBHE). The conception of the neighborhood, fundamentally a pedestrian island with single-family houses inside, surrounded by a sinuous perimeter road around which the linear blocks of houses are arranged, led to working on two different scales in the use of vegetation. The patios of the single-family houses established a spatial continuity between interior and exterior, made easier the adaptation of the new neighbors from rural world to urban world and facilitated the transition with the space of the street and its appropriation, in the Mediterranean way. The trees of the neighborhood not only fulfilled a landscaping work, but also “instrumental”, optimizing the energy balance of the block housing. Pavements and stone retaining walls helped to single out the public space and enrich the neighborhood's great vegetal heritage, an urban nature whose lessons are still valid.


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Author Biography

Jesús García Herrero, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

PhD in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, ETSAM (2015), architect from ETSAM (1998). Assistant Professor of the Department of Construction and Architectural Technology (ETSAM, UPM, 2009-2021) and professor at IE University (2006-2010). Founding member of b102arquitectura, his work has obtained several awards and mentions in architecture and design, among them a 2016 COAM award for the reform of a house in the Programmed Settlement of Fuencarral (Madrid). He has developed research on the pioneers of modern Spanish architecture, mainly their works in religious architecture and social housing. He has also studied the collaboration between the architect Luis Cubillo and the artist Arcadio Blasco, curating in 2018 the COAM exhibition: Cubillo-Blasco: Espirales de Luz (1955-1974). He has recently collaborated on the University of Louvain Territories of Faith project and on a monograph on Cubillo.


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How to Cite

García Herrero, J. (2022). The secret garden of Jose Luis Romany. The Programmed Settlement of Fuencarral (Madrid). ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (17), 184–197.



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