Beyond modern organicism. Helen Fowler’s Gardens for the O’Gorman house (1947-56).


  • Francisco González de Canales Universidad de Sevilla



Modern Landscape architecture, Latin-American Landscape architecture, Helen Fowler, Juan O'Gorman, Mexican architecture, organicism, Prehispanic culture


Modern landscape architecture has figures such as Roberto Burle Marx or Luis Barragán as relevant references in Latin America. However, the work of women who worked on landscape architecture in the same time and context, such as Mina Klabin, Katarima Kramis or Helen Fowler, has been less approached. Developed at their husbands’ shadows, their works are often presented as a complement to theirs, rather than as a work by itself, thus their contributions has never been fully considered. The understudied gardens designed for the O’Gorman house by painter and botanist Helen Fowler are especially significant. Designed from an exhaustive knowledge of the terrain and the local Mexican flora, which the author studied with perseverance, Fowler’s work proposes an alternative to the way of inhabiting the basaltic landscapes found in El Pedregal de San Ángel, on the outskirts of Ciudad de Mexico. Starting from an organic relationship between home and garden, where the boundaries between the two are dissolved, Fowler’s work aims to go beyond the mere physical continuity. Instead of domesticating the territory through a landscape tailored to humans, the exacerbation of its exuberance, and even its own threatening aggressiveness, is proposed as a method of displacement of experience that, opening the way to new narratives that link the symbolic with the sensible, are able to build a new type of relationship with our environment.


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Author Biography

Francisco González de Canales, Universidad de Sevilla

Francisco González de Canales is Professor in Architectural Composition at the University of Seville and codirects the firm Canales Lombardero. His work has been distiguished by the CICA awards, FAD awards, the Spanish Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism and  by different collegiate institutions. Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo además de por instituciones colegiales. Codirected Neutra magazine, and coordinated the Architectural Association cultural programme between 2008 and 2012, holding still a relation with this institution. His work has been published in periodicals such as AA files, Architect’s Journal, Architectural Review, Arq, Arquitectura Viva, Domus, El Croquis, Journal of Architecture o Summa+. His recent books include First Works (2009, with B. Steele), Experiments with life itself (2013), Rafael Moneo. Building, teaching, writing (with N. Ray, 2015), Politics and digital fabrication (with N. A. Lombardero, 2016), El arquitecto como trabajador (2018), Consideraciones sobre la obra de Rafael Moneo (2019) y El manierismo y su ahora (2020).


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How to Cite

González de Canales, F. (2022). Beyond modern organicism. Helen Fowler’s Gardens for the O’Gorman house (1947-56). ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (17), 230–243.



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