Eleven words to approach glass


  • Rosana Rubio Hernández Universidad Politécnica de Madrid




Frontier, Glass, Light, Graze, Transparency, Reflectance


This paper focuses on one of the substances that has contributed, particularly in the last two centuries, in an ambiguous, complex and elusive way, to the construction of that what Heidegger calls “Frontiers”: Glass. It explores how those glass frontiers, thanks to their optical properties (the interaction of light and gaze with glass as a mediator between the two), contribute to trigger a series of situations, phenomena and feelings that exceed the study of the material from a purely scientific point of view. We have chosen to reflect over eleven words (phantasmagoria, estrangement, hierarchy, intimacy, seduction, absorption, silence, time, dematerialization, materialization, invisibility). This discussion is accompanied by a series of pictures and film frames that express how architecture makes use of some of the most ungraspable qualities of this paradoxical material, namely, transparency and reflectance. These properties are sometimes used in a premeditated manner and sometimes unexpectedly. Glass is a medium that expresses or reflects certain human conditions, thus exceeding the mere physical nature of the material.


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Author Biography

Rosana Rubio Hernández, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Rosana Rubio Hernández (Madrid, 1973) se licencia como Arquitecta por la UPM (ETSAM, 1999), siendo candidata a doctora por la misma universidad (prelectura 2013). Recibe el título de Master in Advanced Architectural Design and Research por la GSAPP, Columbia University (2008). Desde 2014 es profesora asociada en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad Camilo José Cela. Desde 2010 es también profesora en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca y Visiting Lecturer en la University of Liverpool School of Architecture. Con anterioridad ha sido docente en: la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (2013-14), la University of Virginia School of Architecture (2008-10) y en la ETSAM (2004-05). Desde 2002 investiga sobre los materiales en arquitectura (particularmente sobre el vidrio). Ha sido becaria de la Fundación Rafael Escolá (2002-04) y de la Fundación la Caixa (2006-08). Desde 2007 es la responsable de las exposiciones asociadas a The Columbia University Conferences on Architecture, Engineering and Building Materials. Actualmente trabaja en la sección “Material Matters”, del libro Elements of Sustainable Design (Laurence King, 2016).


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How to Cite

Rubio Hernández, R. (2015). Eleven words to approach glass. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (4), 144–157. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.201549162



Topic papers