Funkkis Mökkis. Paper Huts at the 1932 Enso-Gutzeit Competition in Finland




summer huts, mökkis, Enso-Gutzeit competition, domesticity and nature, Finnish functionalism, funkkis


Finland lived, in the 1920s and 1930s, through an ephemeral time of peace and enthusiastic ideas in which it began to forge itself as a modern nation. Its borders still unstable, the country used its landscape as a social unifier and an element of national identity. Finland’s incipient welfare state, institutionalised holidays and the democratised consumer goods encouraged a new leisure lifestyle in natural settings. This article studies the recreational housing programme that responded to that demand. The new typology, later called mökki in Finland, was developed during the rise of Nordic functionalism (funkkis in Finnish) – the revision of the romantic villa and the traditional rural housing model, together with the emergence of prefabrication techniques. Among the architectural competitions and drawing albums published on the subject, this article studies the competition run by the Enso-Gutzeit paper company in 1932. Other studies have analysed this competition from constructive, stylistic or historical perspectives. This paper provides a different view by explaining that the competition was a testing ground where one of modern Finnish architecture’s distinctive features was forged: tuning into a constructed idea of nature. This fact is revealed through a graphical analysis of the competition’s proposals, as well as through the incipient personal traits in the work of the promising, young Finnish architects who participated in the competition.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Nieto Fernández, Tampere University

(Barcelona, 1978) PhD Architect (Advanced Architectural Design, Madrid School of Architecture ETSAM, Technical University of Madrid UPM, 2014); Master of Advanced Studies in Collective Housing (ETSAM-UPM, 2006, La Caixa Foundation Fellowship); Master’s Degree in Architecture (Valladolid School of Architecture ETSAVA, University of Valladolid, 2004). He has been predoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich with a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship for Foreign Scholars and Artists (2013-2014), and postdoctoral researcher and teacher of design studio courses at Aalto University Department of Architecture in Helsinki, Finland (Group X, 2014-2018). He has gained various research grants, and his research and professional work have been published in specialised journals and awarded at several forums, such as the 13th and 14th Spanish Biennials of Architecture and Urbanism and the 11th Biennial Competition for Doctoral Dissertations in Architecture arquia/tesis. Since 2018 he is an Associate Professor (tenure track) of Architectural Design at the Tampere University School of Architecture and co-leader of the SPREAD research group, and since 2009 co-founder and co-editor-in-chief of the HipoTesis research platform.

Rosana Rubio Hernández, Tampere University

(Madrid, 1973) Ph.D. in Architectural Theory and Practice (ETSAM, UPM, 2016), M. Sc. in Advanced Architectural Design and Research (GSAPP, Columbia University, 2008) and Master’s in Architecture (ETSAM, UPM, 2000).  Accredited as 'Profesor Contratado Doctor' (ANECA, 2019). Postdoctoral research fellow and lecturer, Tampere University (since May 2019). Adjunct professor in architecture: Camilo José Cela University (2015-2019); Antonio de Nebrija University (2013); Pontifical University of Salamanca (2010-2015); University of Virginia (2008-2010); ETSAM (2005). Articles in: Routledge (2020, 2021); Constelaciones no.7; Rita no. 8; HipoTesis no.6; ZARCH no. 9 and no. 4. Author of: El vidrio, Fronteras y mascaras, Ediciones Asimétricas, 2020. Co-editor of: Loneliness and the Built Environment, Datutop 40, Tampere University Press, 2021.1st Honorary Mention, 12nd arquia/tesis 2019. Extraordinary UPM Ph.D. Prize 2015-16.

Mari-Sohvi Miettinen, Tampere University

(Iisalmi, Finland, 1987) M. Sc. in Architecture (Tampere University, 2021). Bachelor of Arts (Tampere University of Applied Sciences, 2012). Researcher, Seinäjoki Urban Laboratory of Architectural and Urban Research, Tampere University (since May 2020). Teacher, Architectural Design Basics, Tampere University (since September 2017).


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2022-01-12 — Updated on 2022-02-01


How to Cite

Nieto Fernández, F., Rubio Hernández, R., & Miettinen, M.-S. (2022). Funkkis Mökkis. Paper Huts at the 1932 Enso-Gutzeit Competition in Finland. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (17), 122–137. (Original work published January 12, 2022)



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