Architecture, territory and nature. From city utopias to the lounge and the garden in Charlottenhof




Architecture and nature, Wright, Lenné, Schinkel, collective space, planning, landscape


This article addresses a relationship between architecture, territory and nature, through apparently distant and heterogeneous projects and works: on the one hand, the model of society that Wright proposed for Broadacre City and, on the other, the interventions that Schinkel and Lenné carried out in Charlottenhof. The aim is to observe architecture's ability to create situations in harmony with the territory and nature. This combined analysis of projects and works reveals the value of large-scale urban models, despite their difficulty in realising them, and the potential of small architectures, capable of controlling the open space and transferring to the garden, as the first anthropised nature, the ideals and expectations conceived and designed on a territorial scale. Analysed through drawing, the projects and works of Wright and Schinkel show the symbiosis achieved between architecture, territory and nature and find in the infrastructures, geometric order and geographical conditions, the arguments that sustain the validity of the spaces generated between architecture and nature.


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Author Biographies

Amadeo Ramos-Carranza, Universidad de Sevilla

(Seville, 1963) Architect (1989), PhD in architecture (2006), Professor, Department of Architectural Projects, ETSA Seville. He is a member of G.I. HUM-632. Co-author of the books Arquitectura del Racionalismo en Sevilla: Inicios y Continuidades; Sevilla 1995-2005. Arquitectura de una década and Arquitectura y Construcción: el paisaje como argumento (2009) (2003, 2006 and 2009). Coordinator of the book Construyendo Londres. Dibujando Europa (2006). Director of the journal Proyecto, progreso, arquitectura (PpA). Has published in the journals Architects (no. 173, 2005; no. 175, 2008); ART-i-TEXTOS (no. 7, 2008); Informes de la Construcción (no. 534, 2014); PpA (no. 1, 2010; no. 12, 2015; no. 23, 2020); AMPS (2015); Estoa (no. 13, 2018); Disegnarecon (no. 22, 2019); The Journal of Architecture (no. 3, vol. 24, 2019); Spool (no. 2. Vol. 7, 2020); Ciudades (no. 24, 2021); Sustainability (no. 16 vol. 13, 2021).

Rosa María Añón-Abajas, Universidad de Sevilla

(Seville, 1961) Graduated as a Senior Architect from the University of Seville in 1988, PhD in 2001. She is Full Professor at the University of Seville, in the Department of Architectural Projects; teaches undergraduate, master and doctoral programs. Author of "Arquitectura de las escuelas primarias municipales del ayuntamiento de Sevilla hasta 1937", (University of Seville, 2005); co-author of "Arquitectura y construcción: el paisaje como argumento" (UNIA 2007); in addition to other books and chapters, she has published articles in the journals Cabás, (nº13, 2015); VLC Arquitectura, (vol. 6, nº1, 2019); Artigrama, (nº34, 2019); Sustainability, (vol. 13, nº16, 2021). Proyecto, progreso, arquitectura, (nº1 y nº2, 2010; nº5, 2011; nº9, 2013; nº10, 2014; nº12, 2015; nº17, 2017; nº18, 2018; nº20, 2019; nº23, 2020; nº24, 2021).


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How to Cite

Ramos-Carranza, A., & Añón-Abajas, R. M. (2022). Architecture, territory and nature. From city utopias to the lounge and the garden in Charlottenhof. ZARCH. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture and Urbanism, (17), 168–183.



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