
Gender differences in the relationship between intrinsic personal factors and the anxious and depressive symptomatology of a working population

Fátima Méndez López, Priscila Matovelle-Ochoa, Marta Domínguez-García, Beatriz Pascual-de la Pisa

Destructive Leadership, Psychosocial Factors and Organizational Decline: Literature Review

José Luis Calderón Mafud, Manuel Pando Moreno, J. Jesús García Martínez, Elsa María V´ásquez-Trespalacios

Knowledge and perception of young students in Social Work about young people under guardianship


Socio-contextual variables associated with the beginning of alcohol use in adolescents based on sex

PhD. Lorena Belda-Ferri, Julia Aguilar Serrano, PhD. Víctor J. Villanueva-Blasco

Tackling early school leaving: a qualitative evaluation of the Program for the Improvement of Learning and Performance in Asturias

Ángel Alonso-Domínguez, Rosario González Arias, Israel Escudero-Castillo, Francisco Javier Mato Díaz

" (Disability, inclusion and public employment, is it possible to improve their relationship? Reflections from a pilot experience at the University of Zaragoza

Marta Mira-Aladrén, Natalia Yagüe Sanjuán, Fernando Latorre Dena

Teleworking during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of mental health and psychosocial factors of mexican university academics.

Karina López, Irma Guadalupe González Corzo

Educational integration of Ukrainian refugee children. Challenges and responses to emergency social reception.

Izaskun Andueza-Imirizaldu, Rubén Lasheras Ruiz, Marcela Bejarano Riveros

Community and interweaving: The experience of feminist May 2018 in Chile

Fabiana Hernández

About the Journal

Acciones e Investigaciones Sociales is the scientific journal of the Faculty of Social and Labour Sciences of the University of Zaragoza (Spain). The journal is multidisciplinary in nature, and includes articles related to the different scientific disciplines taught at the Centre: Labour Relations, Labour Market, Labour Law, Business Accounting, Social Work, Social Services, Social Policy, Social Economy, Welfare State, etc.

Its current focus is on the dissemination of original and innovative research in the social field at national and international level. Papers from social sciences such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, social work, social education, legal sciences, law, economics and business, provided they are related to social work, social intervention, and the labor field.

Since 2013, the journal has been continuously published on an annual basis.

The journal has not revenue sources and does not use advertising nor direct marketing activities.

ISSN-e 2340-4507
ISSN 1132-192X
DOI 10.26754/ojs_ais/23404507


Current Issue

No. 44 (2023): Acciones e Investigaciones Sociales
					View No. 44 (2023): Acciones e Investigaciones Sociales

November 2023




DOI 10.26754/ojs_ais/23404507

Number 44 includes a Labor Law monograph on working time and its legal framework

Published: 2023-11-14


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Acciones e Investigaciones Sociales is an open access journal, which means that all content is available free of charge and at no cost to the user or their institution. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without seeking prior permission from the publisher or author. Acciones e Investigaciones Sociales is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0