What history is taught in secondary school in Bologna (Italy)? A quantitative research on teachers' perceptions of history and its teaching





History, History teaching, Teaching methodology, Teacher training, Secondary education, Historical Thinking


The aim of this work is to analyse the perception that secondary school teachers in the metropolitan area of Bologna (Italy) have of history and its teaching. Through a quantitative research carried out through the administration of a questionnaire on a Likert scale to ninety-nine teachers of the metropolitan area of Bologna, ambivalent results could be identified. On the one hand, teachers generally possess an excellent and often conscious, but improvable, epistemological conception of history and its teaching; however, a non-holistic conception of the heritage, tools and teaching methodologies available in the teaching practice emerges; in fact, teachers state that they mainly use frontal explanation in the classroom, leaving a marginal role to laboratory activities linked to sources.


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How to Cite

Galletti, F., Borghi, B., & Molina Puche, S. (2023). What history is taught in secondary school in Bologna (Italy)? A quantitative research on teachers’ perceptions of history and its teaching. Clio. History and History Teaching, (49), 88–106. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_clio/clio.2023499538