Historical memory in your smartphone: five apps for teaching and learning the Holocaust





History teaching, Historical memory, Holocaust, Apps, Mobile learnig, Heritage


Working on historical memory in the classroom, as a controversial subject that provokes social debate, is a challenge for social science teaching. Many actions have been carried out worldwide to recover the memory of those people who have been silenced for decades and who have been involved in social and political conflicts. However, there is little research that analyzes the teaching resources offered by digital technologies on the topic. This paper identifies five apps that focus on the Holocaust and analyzes their educational possibilities and their treatment of historical memory. The results show that these apps do not present an adequate teaching structure and offer a mainly informative function. However, they have specific characteristics that allow their use in educational contexts through an adequate teacher support. Regarding memory, although they present individual testimonies and memories, they disregard deliberative methodologies to confront ideas and promote a critical attitude towards the institutionalized history.


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How to Cite

Luna, U., Gillate, I., Castrillo, J., & Ibañez-Etxeberria, A. (2020). Historical memory in your smartphone: five apps for teaching and learning the Holocaust . Clio. History and History Teaching, (46), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_clio/clio.2020465252