“Samudaripen: from the persecution to the genocide of the Roma people”.A teaching proposal for the university context
Una propuesta docente para el ámbito universitario
Samudaripen, Romani Holocaust, Romani History, Higher Education, University teaching.Abstract
The history of the Roma people is one of the most neglected subjects in pre-university and university education. Even more so is the Samudaripen, the Romani Holocaust, an episode barely mentioned in history classes both in secondary education and in the Bachelor and Master's degrees in the branches of Humanities and Social Sciences. The first part of this article offers a review of the literature in which the main reflections made on this curricular gap are presented and the need to incorporate the teaching of Samudaripen into contemporary history classes at university level is argued. The second part describes a sequence of activities entitled "Samudaripen: from the persecution to the genocide of the Roma people", designed as part of a "cycle of teaching improvement" (FIDOP, University of Seville) in the 1st year Contemporary History course.
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