The Holocaust in the Secondary classroom: confluence of history, fiction and reality in concentration literature




Shoah, Holocaust pedagogy, concentration literature, literary fiction, memorialism, testimonial narration


The current proliferation of titles with the Holocaust as a backdrop is evident; it can be appreciated just by taking a look at the bookshelves, which house a multitude of volumes that enclose this sad chapter in history in their pages. The approach to this topic has been proposed from different approaches since the 20th century -literary, historical and historiographic, psychological, philosophical, etc.-, hence it has been studied in school from a multitude of proposals in subjects such as Ethical Education, Geography and History, Spanish Language and Literature, etc. As a result of the relationship between history, fiction and reality, so in vogue today due to the success of works based on real stories, a debate arises that causes a reflection on the image offered by these books. This can be taken to the classroom to discuss the limits between history and literature, while promoting values and overcoming prejudices so that a similar episode is not repeated.


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How to Cite

Rocamora Montenegro, R. (2020). The Holocaust in the Secondary classroom: confluence of history, fiction and reality in concentration literature. Clio. History and History Teaching, (46), 136–147.