Teaching the Holocaust: a pedagogical opportunity to reflect on the present social conflicts.





Pedagogy of the Holocaust, Present social conflicts, Education in history and social responsibility, Secondary education, Museographic speeches about nazi concentration camps.


After a field experience on guided tours in a nazi concentration camp and an intervention in several fourth course secondary education lessons, some difficulties have been detected within the pedagogy of the Holocaust which are previous to the aims of this one: analyzing the marginalisation and the extermination of who was considered “different” in order to reflect on the current exclusions and discriminations. With the aim of solving those problems, it is proposed in this study an alternative approach to the treatment of the Holocaust in lectures: in the first place, paying due attention to those collectives which were victims of this potential violence, without the establishment of hierarchies regarding the level of suffering. Secondly, having an impact on the responsibility that we as people have in connection with these acts of violence and social injustices in order to contribute to the training of a critical citizenship, solidary and respectful.


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How to Cite

Lopez Mateu, G. (2020). Teaching the Holocaust: a pedagogical opportunity to reflect on the present social conflicts. Clio. History and History Teaching, (46), 30–40. https://doi.org/10.26754/ojs_clio/clio.2020465300